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Everything posted by miss-d

  1. Hi, I see there's a function for page numbers in in PDFGenerator.php: $this->writeHTML($this->pagination); ? But I see no page numbers on our invoices.....?
  2. Hi, regarding this topic: There was a frontend feature in 1.6 to let the customer chose how many products per page they wanted to show.... this is no longer available in 1.7 - Can this be somehow coded manually? I'd really be happy to have this feature back, and our customers too.....
  3. Hi, we're using default-boostrap theme on Presta - responsive layout on tablets is showing fine, but on smartphones the order/position of the boxes/blocks should be rearranged, i.e. at the moment it's showing the stores block first and last the featured products, I'd like the featured products block to show right after menu - where can this be changed/edited? I tried under positions -> header but this didn't have any effects. Also, I'm having the problem that the top horizontal menu is not showing on smartphones (it IS enabled to show on smartphones) - any ideas regarding this? I tried disabling/enabling the module but no effect... Thanks!
  4. No it hasn't!!! This is a basic setting and should not be overlooked!! Very important to get a fix for it, we have a running and still can't set different shipping if above a certain price!! It only works if you set general shipping fee to a certain price but then it disables all country settings done in carriers... doh!! Please someone fix this ASAP???!!! ...oh and NONE of the above suggestions work for us EDIT: The only thing that solved it for me was: In each carrier, select in step 2 "Out of range" behaviour to "disable this carrier" - then Presta seems to calculate correctly.
  5. *thumbs up* that worked perfectly!! Thanks a lot Pascal!!!
  6. Hi guys, we use a very VERY modified 1.3 and we would like to be able to enter comma-quantity discounts in admin unter percent discount - which presta handles really well in backend but what we need is a rounded view for the frontend product page. So, if we enter a % discount of lets say 10.11123% in backend we display it in frontend product page like this: "You save 10.11123%" - and we use the {$product->reduction_percent} variable for this in product.tpl - what we want is only display "You save 10%" without the commas in frontend - is that possible? Can anyone help? =) Thanks!
  7. Hi guys, suddenly our prestashop won't show installed modules in the front end - everything is fine in back end, they show under positions and I can drag'n'drop them, but nothing on the front end - even activated force decompile won't help. We already have installed 3rd party modules before and everything worked fine, but not for the last 2 days. What could that be? Anyone experiencing/experienced a similar issue? Help!!
  8. Thanks to Slieptsov for the solution! This worked for me too in 1.4: {assign var="prd" value=Product::getIndexedCategories($smarty.get.id_product)} <body {if $page_name}id="{$page_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"{/if} class=" {foreach from=Category::getChildren(13, $cookie->id_lang) item=category} {if $smarty.get.id_category == 13 || $smarty.get.id_category == $category.id_category || $prd.0.id_category == $category.id_category}cat13{/if} {/foreach}"> and for the logo: {assign var="prd" value=Product::getIndexedCategories($smarty.get.id_product)} <a id="header_logo" href="{$link->getPageLink('index.php')}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"> <img class="logo" src=" {foreach from=Category::getChildren(13, $cookie->id_lang) item=category} {if $smarty.get.id_category == 13 || $smarty.get.id_category == $category.id_category || $prd.0.id_category == $category.id_category}{$img_ps_dir}logo13.jpg{else}{$img_ps_dir}logo.jpg{/if} {/foreach}"</a>
  9. Hi, I'm trying to use this for changing css layout for some of my categories: Problems: Can Subcategories and product pages be included? (i.e. Cat A and all of its subcats and product pages = blue, Cat B and all of its subcats and product pages = red) How can I have different header logos for each theme? Thanks for any help, tried the other solution Rocky provided but this does not work for me.
  10. Hi, we're using a highly customized 1.3.1, can't update to any newer version atm. http://www.lampenonline.de/13[spam-filter]artemide-tolomeo-micro.html We have product attributes shown as list, but the Ajax Cart animation only works for the first attribute, if I choose the 2ng, 3rd etc, no animation :\ - what could that be? Can anyone help for a quick fix? Thanks!
  11. Hi all, first of all we're willing to pay for such a programming. We're using a highly customized 1.3.1 and upgrading is out of the question atm. What we need is a sorting module for BO, I was thinking of a feature in each product that lets you determine its position inside a category, i.e. when you enter "1" it sets this product to position 1 of a category but keeps the pre-arranged position of all other products. This is very very crucial for us and thus we'd be very happy to get a positive response. Thanks in advance!
  12. Hello, we're using a *highly* customized 1.3.1 (actually we programmed a lot of features which are in the current version or not even implemented yet...) prestashop which is running good - with one exception: We are in urgent need of a tool that lets us drag'n'drop more than 300 products in categories/subcategories in the backend/admin. We "hardcoded" a list 2000 feature in our AdminTabs.php, which does list all products but then drag'n'drop refuses to work. We can't do an upgrade to 1.5 at the moment, so we need help here. Is there any module out there? We are also willing to pay someone who can program something for us! It just has to work with 1500+ products per category. What we actually need is to be able to drag products which are at the very end of one category to the very front of this category. Thanks in advance!
  13. I have the same problem - did anyone find a solution for this? Search shows correct number of products found but some are listed twice and some are not listed at all. I really need help with this. Thanks!
  14. I'm looking for a way to multi-sort products by manufacturer in the backoffice - is there any way or module (also paid modules) which lets me mass-sort let's say "put all products of manufacturer X on top in category X"? Thanks for ANY hint/help!! ...tried Prestashop Storemanager but it won't let me mass-move certain manufactuerer either.. or at least I haven't figured out how.
  15. Hi all, it is somehow possible to multi-sort several products in the backoffice at once? What I basically need is a way/module/hack whatever to sort products of a manufacturer via backoffice, i.e. all products of manufactuer A should be listed first/on top when I click on a certain category. Drag'n'Drop is ok but if I have 60 or more products to drag then it's lots of work. Is there any module that would let me mass-edit the backend product lists? Maybe some one can help Thanks in advance!
  16. Hi, I've been looking for this for a few months now without real success... http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/46117-discount-of-total-price/ <- been trying this, works nice BUT the discount is not transported to Paypal!! Is there a module out there? I do not want to solve this with vouchers. It should work automatically that when i.e. a customer reaches a total amount of 500,- € he gets 3% discount on total amount. Must be noted in shopping-cart.tpl and all confirmation emails/tpls and on invoice and must work with all payments (i.e. Paypal) - willing to pay for such a module!! Can anyone help? Thanks!
  17. I'm also looking for such a discount function for the total order, i.e. customer gets 5% off when spending more than 500,- €. I implemented the code from another thread (search for "discount of total" here in the forum) but my problem is to get it implemented in checkout tpl, customer confirmation emails and invoice.... unfortunately I havn't found a module for it... and so many ppl have been asking for such a feature. Help anyone?
  18. Hi and thanks for this solution, works like a charm - I'm looking for a way to add a message that - if you have a reached the discoutn amount of 500,- € in my case - there should be a message in the shopping cart / shopping cart template that customers can actually see that they have a discount. Otherwise it just reduces the total amount and everybody is wondering why he/she is paying less Where do I have to change what? shopping-cart.tpl? cart.php? Any help is highly appreciated Thx.
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