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  1. Thank you very much mdekker!!! I can go to sleep now! Solved on Prestashop 1.6.5.
  2. Hi mlarino, I am still trying to figure this out since i am upgrading my shop to 1.6.1 and prefer to avoid purchasing extra modules. If you are searching for a paid module then Ajax filter from Presto changeo can certainly do it. I use it in my current shop 1.4.3 (see http://mathos-exclusive.com/en/prices-drop). Functionality and customer service are both great.
  3. I feel soooooo stupid! I tried all sorts of thing and the solution, for me at least, was as dem4nk descrbed. Thanks dem4nk!
  4. Thank you very much Ludo. Works great!
  5. I had the same problem in 1.4.3. Solved it in the following way. Open the attached file. Make the changes that you see in the following lines: line 123, 149, 161, 163, 164. Maybe it will work also if you overwrite your file with mine. Productscategory.php can be found in /modules/productscategory. Warning. Backup your original file before editing. I am not experienced but the above worked for me, till now at least. Hope it will help you. Regards, Athanassios productscategory.php
  6. Thank you my friend! You saved me a lot of time. (Presta 1.4.3)
  7. Mike, After 2 weeks of setting up my store, bought modules spend many many hours, I realize that i cannot log into my back office!!! From the forum i see that this problem exists for months now. I cannot believe my eyes when i read from you (as a manager) that you are still working on it and have not found a solution. You should either fix it immediately or put a great WARNING sign to any person tyrying to download prestashop in the first place. Beyond dissapointing...
  8. Had the same problem when upgraded to 1.4.4. Personally i went back to 1.4.3 where i do not have any problems (one page check out works fine as well). Hopefully someone can help how to solve the problem with 1.4.4 in order to use the most recent release.
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