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  1. Thank you, the free module suggested helped me add a piece of javascript to my footer very easily. I just wish I found this 4 hours earlier!!
  2. Thanks shacker, Making that adjustment will allow my customers to have the same information available when they register, and hence carry over to payment options? I just want to make sure that this doesn't just affect shipping. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I lost an order today because PayPal requires Japan to have a state associated with the address and Prestashop does not offer any states. Where can I locate the list of countries/states so that I can edit it and update it to meet PayPal requirements. Thanks, dapottster
  4. Hello, I must start this post with an apology. You see, about 8 months to a year ago I was getting numerous orders from the Caribbean. They have a different address setup, and my credit card verification for authorize.net kept rejecting the orders. I eventually figured out a way so that they only needed to enter their name, card number, expiration date, and cvn. It was brought to my attention by another customer within the states that this makes them feel unsafe. I would like to change my system so that it provides a location for all the typical information, but only requires certain elements. My problem is, I can't remember how I made the change originally. I'm sure I found something on this site that helped me through it, because I am not a good enough coder to figure that out on my own, but I can't find anything now to help me go back. Can anybody out there help me? Thanks, dapottster
  5. Hi, I switched here from Zencart and have not found an IPN for paypal setting. I was alerted to this earlier today by an e-mail from Paypal saying that it could not access my ipn URL and that if the problem wasn't resolved this would be disabled. Does anybody out there know anything about setting up a paypal IPN? Is it necessary? What are the advantages? Thanks, dapottster
  6. <br/><br/>Do share Sorry for this slow response here. I never got notified of that reply. Here's what I ended up doing: I located where my header file was - modules/blockpermanentlinks opened up blockpermanentlinks-header.tpl I then was able to adjust the code so that I could have facebook and twitter buttons up in my header along side contact, sitemap, and bookmark Hope that helps!
  7. I too would like to have an e-mail alert when a comment needs to be moderated. Can anybody help?
  8. Hello, I would like to start a daily deal on my site. I was planning on using the featured product module but I do not think that will work. I only want to feature a single product per day. The featured product module allows space for four products and aligns left. I want my daily deal to be centered and not be within a big gray box. Can anybody help? Thanks, dapottster steelpanstore.com
  9. I would like to add my own image in place of the standard facebook image to link to my page there. I'm having difficulties getting it done though. Can anybody help me?
  10. rocky, thank you for this solution, but I am not being able to save my changes. I keep getting a 403 forbidden page saying I don't have permission on this server. Do you have any suggestions on how to get around this? Thanks
  11. THANKS!!!!! I have been pulling my hair out looking for this answer for the past 48 hours.
  12. Found my answer: Did you change the “PS directory” on the Preferences tab from /engine/ to / before moving the files? If not, you will need to edit config/settings.inc.php and change the PS_BASE_URL from /engine/ to / from http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/73870/
  13. Why am I not able to simply copy my folder "shop" to a new folder "test" and have everything work. Essentially that is what I am trying to accomplish, I am just going to be going to my root directory for my site.
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