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Everything posted by pepperz

  1. I don't understand why presta would support sass only in parent themes. How is that supposed to help developers? I thought that there would be a way to use sass files in a child theme and be able to compile it.
  2. So is it impossible to use scss in a child theme?
  3. I have created a child theme (parent: classic theme) but I don't understand what to do about assets and wepack compiling. I'd like to use scss files and compile them to css. Do I have to copy classic/_dev directory to my child theme? Create a _dev directory in my theme and keep only overrides there? Is there any guide about this? parent: classic name: mytheme display_name: Mytheme version: 1.0.0 assets: use_parent_assets: true css: all: - id: custom-styles path: assets/css/custom.css
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