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Everything posted by ardzcoholic

  1. Hello, i just got this problem, and i have own solution for this. 1. First of all, check your database at ps_orders (table) 2. Search your order that have a problem with "invalid date", you can search using tab search in phpMyadmin reference to your id order. 2. Then check at invoice_date field. It must be empty, that is the problem, the invoice_date cannot be empty. 3. Edit your invoice_date, fill the date same as date_add field, 4. Save then refresh your order link at the back end. done!
  2. Iya bro, tapi kan sebelum user memasukkan alamat tuh ada, defaultnya dan di prestashop gw tuh Rp. 45.000. Bisa gak ya di ganti?
  3. Helo para master, Mau tanya, gimana cara ganti harga shipping pada saat user belum login. Biasanya di web ane, shipping nya jadi mahal. Tolong pencerahannya. Thanks.
  4. oh gitu ya gan? thanks buat agan prestanesia buat jawabannya, kalo yang jual, dimana ya untuk versi mobile nya? klao bisa sih indonesia punya. biar kalo ada trouble2 gak repot
  5. Helo gan, Kalo bikin prestahshop yang udah kita instal jadi versi mobile juga gimana sih? apakah ada modul khusus atau engine gitu? Masalahnya sekarang customer banyak yang akses via mobile, smartphone kayak bb, dan iphone gitu. Thanks sblmnya.
  6. hello guys, i got some problem with this error. When i click tab customer-carts in back office, and then i search for something (using filter) an then i got this message error. Bad SQL query What its mean? and how to solve this problem here is my screen shot from my prestashop store.
  7. Hello guys, i'am trying to remove special block on the bottom of matrice theme, but i don't know how to do it. I look at module on the back office, there is no "special product" module installed. But it show in the front page. you can look at my attachment.
  8. Helo guys, i am still newbie in this prestashop cms. And i got an error while using that module. It works just for several categories. This category about t-shirt is work,. you can click at the "we have also .." tabs But in this category about jeans, that module didn't work. How to solve that problems. Thanks before Regards
  9. Helo teman-teman, saya masih nubie di cms prestahop ini. Kebetulan lagi ada problem nih. Jadi modul itu kadang-kadang jalan kadang ga. Itu berdasarkan kategori kan ya? Jadi kalo saya klik baju. Kategori baju keluar semua. tapi kalo klik celana., gak keluar. Padahal product celana ada banyak., ITu kenapa ya? hx sebelumnya
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