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Everything posted by mikey3232

  1. We have a drop down menu which is easy to navigate, however if the custom click directly on the "main category" it just displays a page full of 5 sub categories and the hundreds of products. Is there a way to remove the direct link to the main category on the menu? That way when they hit the main category, it then shows/drop downs the sub categories? I've searched all over, but can't find a direct answer for version 1.5.4.
  2. We had the same issue, we found to have to do with the shipping modules fedex/usps that came with 1.5.4 install as default addons. When we disabled, the site speed would be 100%, when enabling carriers, it would make the site come to a crawl when adding products to the site. We ended up having to buy custom modules for fedex/usps to avoid the issue.
  3. Any tech support at all or any knowledge? Been close to a MONTH without any help on this subject. No email replys from Presta Support, not sure where to go.
  4. The problem is not upgrading my site, its a 3rd party phone app that uses intergration into the prestashop web service. I want to make sure that upgrading prestashop doesn't break the code used to connect to Presta's web service api.
  5. Apparently prestashop doesn't provide customer service? I've received no response to this post and/or emails I've been sending. This seems like it would be a simple yes or no answer. Any feedback or do I need to go find a new online shop software?
  6. Any support on the forums for my question? It would be appreciated if a Prestashop tech could advise.
  7. anyone know? I do not want to break our phone apps when updating to the newest 1.5.3. Our phone app uses Web Service for client authentication and creating new accounts in the prestashop database.
  8. Hello, We have a website that uses the Built-In WebService API to connect with our Droid and Iphone Phone Apps. Is there anything that would be changing or break when we upgrade from to the latest 1.5.3? We do not want to break our Phone Apps, We'd rather make the needed changes prior to upgrading the prestashop to 1.5.3. Thank you for your help and information on this, Mike
  9. Is there a way or an add-on that will for example: Allow to type in a PRODUCT NAME and then results will show who has made a purchase of that one product the past 30, 60, 90 days? We do follow up phone calls on certain products where we like to generate a list of people who purchased the past 30 days to make sure everything is working properly. It is a pain to manually make a list each time. Thank you.
  10. Hello, Out of no where this morning our admin "back office" started to have SSL errors pop up on every login. The page at https://www.SITENAMEXXX.com/ADMINFOLDER/index.php?tab=AdminOrders ran insecure content from http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js. any ideas what would cause this? thanks for the help, it is appreciated. Michael
  11. certain feature to turn on was on our fresh install of prestashop. It wasn't an error, just a general warning or system message. Once we enabled the geolocation it asked us to do, the message/warning went away. Still no data is showing up.
  12. There are no errors, simply no visitors online text. Its not a false hope of just no one being online, There are many customers who are viewing, shopping, and purchasing throughout the day. Even when on the phone with the customer while walking them through the products, we still cannot see anyone listed, carts, or any information.
  13. Thank you for responding Mike, We are using: PrestaShop™ and Visitors online v1.0 by PrestaShop I've uninstalled the addon and reinstalled with no avail. Is there a new location or updated version of the Visitors Online ? I just installed the one that came with my install. Thanks!
  14. Hello, The Visitors online Module in the backend office does not work, and hasn't since we installed. There was a notice to turn on certain features, which we did do... however still no success.[/color] Any ideas or anything else having this issue?
  15. Can you make your rewards module allow backend changes to customers total points, adding or subtracting. Some orders are done off system, and we would like to be able to manually change the customer's account for total value of reward points.
  16. Hello, The Addon HF PRODUCT VIDEO was working perfectly fine up until today: http://www.sjolietanning.com/starter-kits/t100-mini-mist-starter-kit.html On this page click on "videos". The videos now smash together on one line, and when you popup the frame to view the video, it goes into scrollable frames, along with white blank squares in the video. Any ideas on fixing this or anyone have similiar issues with HF Product Video Addon Module? Thank you
  17. Link of Issue Once you select a color it automatically will ONLY show the black choice. Why arent the other images showing when color is selected?
  18. I am looking to use the built in loyalty point system by prestashop. I have one problem, I want to make certain products not available for point redemption as that one product is already discounted heavily. Is there a way to do this? for example, I want 0 (ZERO) points awarded for our starter kits as they come with a 30% or more discount built into the price. http://www.sjolieproducts.com/starter-kits/t100-mini-mist-starter-kit.html
  19. Thank you Mike, Your post helped me with my product list, which also inspired looking for truncate code for my homepage. I found this tip on another thread, and wanted to post here incase someone finds my post instead. To extend the length of product name, you have to edit the TRUNCATE VALUE in modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl
  20. Hello, I've inspected and tried to find how to change the length of text/description for our homepage featured product listing without any luck. After 10 letters, it automatically goes to ...... continuation and cuts off the title of the product completely. I've looked through the global.css in my theme folder, and cannot edit any fields that seem to fix it. site for live code is www.sjolieproducts.com, here is a screenshot of the issue: For example on the middle bottom row, POP UP.... should read "POP UP TANNING TENT" Thank you for any help! Michael
  21. does prestashop have support? I've been patiently waiting for a month for help with shipping modules which are not working out of the gate of installation.
  22. I'm configuring my USPS module as I am trying to migrate from Zencart over to Prestashop. When placing our USPS User ID as requested and origin zip code, when testing we show only 2-9 shipping option for $5.79 regardless how much an order weighs, where it is going, etc... We have 2-9 day, 2-3 day, overnight checked... unfortunately only 2-9day shows at a flat $5.79 regardless. Any ideas? I've gone through configs, made sure all our product weights are correct...etc.
  23. Anyone know what Fedex Integrator ID is? It is asking for one when setting up the fedex production setup
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