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Everything posted by Margouillat

  1. I'm on prestashop 8.1 with php 8.0.9 and it happens on Chrome and mozilla. When i look into the code with the browser i think there is no code in the popup. I try with a new install in localhost with a php 8.0.26 and it works
  2. Bonjour, je viens de tester votre module sur un prestashop tout propre (juste installé) et j'ai un soucis dans le menu de gauche et je n'ai que le Displayhoem et le Displayfooter, dans le menu de droite je n'ai rien qui apparait. (voir capture. mais j'ai bien les "classiques" qui apparaissent au besoin. En tout cas belle initiative continuez ! Dans l'attente de vous lire. Cordialement
  3. Hi, i have a problem with desciption field, i can't acces to the file manager so i can't import pictures in because the popup i blank (see picture joined) Someone kow how to deal with this plz ? thanks in advance
  4. Hi, We had same problem try to recrerate a team member with super admin. we had 3 profile only the first one worked fine, to solve the problem we just delete and recreate the account. problem appear when there is no product in a category, all products disappear from the product pag in front office but not in front office. Good luck.
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