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  1. Estube probando un tema para mi tienda pero no me convensio a la fina, desintale el tema y el modulo que usaba para el menu, y devolvi al tema anterior, sin embargo, el modulo de menu ya no es el del tema de defecto de prestashop, se mantubo el del tema que probe y desinstale, hay alguna manera de devolver el menu anterior? uso prestashop
  2. when I first installed the theme the menu was there, it worked, but then after a while it keep disabling
  3. on the homepage i need a menu to display the most popular products of the shop, but it is disabled every time I activate it, when i clic on activate on Pages Configuration, it stays activate untill I clic on View Page, there i can still se the menu but under it says "We disabled this module automatically" and if I refresh the page the menu is nowhere, its because of the theme or why would the module woould be deactivated automatically? Apache log error has this entry [Mon May 29 13:14:34.183980 2023] [php7:notice] [pid 16920:tid 1884] [client 127.X.X.X:XXXXX] PHP Notice: Undefined index: es in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\sonikaPS\\var\\cache\\prod\\smarty\\compile\\f5\\67\\eb\\f567eb0a5969e614565e12a2e1d357a3f8ec6691_0.file.modal_translation.tpl.php on line 39, referer: https://localhost/sonikaPS/admin_1/index.php?controller=AdminModules&configure=ps_mainmenu&tab_module=front_office_features&module_name=ps_mainmenu&token=e352ab9487129ca0fa7014021177f888
  4. I uploaded a theme on prestashop, Im running it locally with xampp, the theme as a default homepage, im using a database from other page to test how does it looks, but I would like to change the default home page for another one that i have, but i cannot find how to disable the current homepage and put the another one as the homepage, any help? the prestashop interfase is still new to me i tried go to pages and see if I can change the categories to homepage, but i only have home as category, Im not sure whe questions I should ask because i cannot find any information about how to swap the homepage for another, only how to edit the modules
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