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Everything posted by ElFamosoWilli

  1. Thanks for your response I found out what whas causing the issue everything works perfectly now ! thanks
  2. I don't know why but when I overload the method it gives me an error 500
  3. Thank you for your responses it seems that it was my docker container that led me into thinking it was not the right method , but it was !
  4. My plan was to use an override but I wanted to be sure that it was the correct method used to do this , How did you manage to get this error ? the only thing I managed to do is to comment the whole class and get a 500 error , but nothing more , I have one override and this is an Product override that is empty
  5. sadly I did already find this , but if I comment the method I still get the urls in the history page 😕
  6. Thanks again for your patience , I did know how to change the link in the template but I wanna know where the link is crafted in wich class or controller because I need to overide it
  7. Thanks again , I am sorry I didn't make my self clear 😕 , I want to change the pdf distributed when I click to the pdf button , But I don't know where the method could be to change that
  8. I have generated a pdf through an other service externally I want to use it instead of the one used by prestashop in the Order history page , But I cannot find where the method in charge of the variable order.details.invoice_url (used in history.tpl) is located , I already tried multiple classes (Order,OrderHistory,OrderDetail,OrderInvoice) but none of the methods I commented seems to have an effect on the history page .
  9. Thanks for your response It's not about the design , I want to change what pdf is returned when you click on the link to download the invoice pdf .
  10. Hallo zusammen, ich versuche gerade herauszufinden, welche Klassen überschrieben werden müssen, um zu ändern, wie die PDF-Dateien generiert und an den Kunden verteilt werden. Ich möchte die gleichen Links beibehalten, aber ich möchte eine andere PDF-Datei bereitstellen als die von Prestashop generierte, wie Könnte es gemacht werden? Vielen Dank an alle.
  11. Hello everyone I am currently trying to find what are the classes to override to change how the pdf are generated and distributed to the customer , I want to keep the same links but I want to give an other pdf that the one generated by prestashop , how could it be done ? Thank you everyone .
  12. My page is loading infinitly and give me this error message in the javascript console : Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec. and it displays nothing but the loader , for context I had to delete the cache multiple times and every trace of the module that I installed previously in the database in order to uninstall the plugin that caused the issue because I couldn't access the backoffice .
  13. Hello everyone , I had an issue installing a module for cookie management that broke my website , after delleting the cache and changing parameters in the database (disabling the module in ps_module and ps_module_shop) everything got back to normal except the marketplace it loads in the void and give me this error : Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec. but everything works perfectly when going to the theme shop , (for context the module that I tried to install came from the marketplace in the back office that worked perfectly) how could I solve this issue ? thanks a lot !
  14. hello everyone I followed the fix and used the ressources that you gave but the pagination is still not working I don't know how 😕
  15. here is the rest of my code prestashop.module.stabs.tables.grid_visible_table: class: 'PrestaShop\Module\Stabs\Tables\GridVisibleTable' parent: 'prestashop.core.grid.definition.factory.abstract_grid_definition' public: true prestashop.module.stabs.tables.visible_query_builder: class: 'PrestaShop\Module\Stabs\Tables\VisibleQueryBuilder' parent: 'prestashop.core.grid.abstract_query_builder' arguments: - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getContext().language.id" - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getContext().shop.id" public: true prestashop.module.stabs.visible_data_factory: class: 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\Data\Factory\DoctrineGridDataFactory' arguments: - '@prestashop.module.stabs.tables.visible_query_builder' - '@prestashop.core.hook.dispatcher' - '@prestashop.core.grid.query.doctrine_query_parser' - 'visible' prestashop.core.grid.visible_grid_factory: class: 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\GridFactory' arguments: - '@prestashop.module.stabs.tables.grid_visible_table' - '@prestashop.module.stabs.visible_data_factory' - '@prestashop.core.grid.filter.form_factory' - '@prestashop.core.hook.dispatcher' prestashop.module.stabs.tables.grid_category_extrafield_table: class: 'PrestaShop\Module\Stabs\Tables\GridCategoryExtrafields' parent: 'prestashop.core.grid.definition.factory.abstract_grid_definition' public: true prestashop.module.stabs.tables.grid_category_extrafield_query_builder: class: 'PrestaShop\Module\Stabs\Tables\GridCategoryExtrafieldsQueryBuilder' parent: 'prestashop.core.grid.abstract_query_builder' arguments: - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getContext().language.id" - "@=service('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context').getContext().shop.id" public: true prestashop.module.stabs.grid_category_extrafield_data_factory: class: 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\Data\Factory\DoctrineGridDataFactory' arguments: - '@prestashop.module.stabs.tables.grid_category_extrafield_query_builder' - '@prestashop.core.hook.dispatcher' - '@prestashop.core.grid.query.doctrine_query_parser' - 'extrafields' prestashop.core.grid.grid_category_extrafield_factory: class: 'PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Grid\GridFactory' arguments: - '@prestashop.module.stabs.tables.grid_category_extrafield_table' - '@prestashop.module.stabs.grid_category_extrafield_data_factory' - '@prestashop.core.grid.filter.form_factory' - '@prestashop.core.hook.dispatcher'
  16. Hello everyone here is my issue , I created my module and my grids to display information , the grids are displaying with no issues whatsoever , but here is the thing when I try to add extension with js to my grid to make at least pagination work it doesn't , here is my code : $SearchCriteria = new SearchCriteria([], 'id_product', 'DESC', 1, 2); $gridfactory = $this->get('prestashop.core.grid.visible_grid_factory'); $visiblegrid = $gridfactory->getGrid($SearchCriteria); $SearchCriteriaExtrafields = new SearchCriteria([], 'id', 'ASC', 0, 16); $gridextrafieldfactory = $this->get('prestashop.core.grid.grid_category_extrafield_factory'); $extrafieldgrid = $gridextrafieldfactory->getGrid($SearchCriteriaExtrafields); return $this->render('@Modules/stabs/views/templates/admin/form.html.twig',[ 'formtitle' => $formname, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'extragrid' => $this->presentGrid($extrafieldgrid), 'grid' => $this->presentGrid($visiblegrid), ]); import Grid from '@PSJs/components/grid/grid'; import LinkRowActionExtension from '@PSJs/components/grid/extension/link-row-action-extension'; import SubmitRowActionExtension from '@PSJs/components/grid/extension/action/row/submit-row-action-extension'; import SortingExtension from '@PSJs/components/grid/extension/sorting-extension'; import FiltersResetExtension from '@PSJs/components/grid/extension/filters-reset-extension'; const { $ } = window $(() => { let gridDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.js-grid'); gridDivs.forEach((gridDiv) => { const grid = new Grid(gridDiv.dataset.gridId) grid.addExtension(new SortingExtension()); grid.addExtension(new LinkRowActionExtension()); grid.addExtension(new SubmitRowActionExtension()); grid.addExtension(new FiltersResetExtension()); console.log(grid); }) }); And I compiled it with webpack using an exemple from github to do it here it is : https://github.com/PrestaShop/example-modules/tree/master/demo_grid
  17. Thanks for your response , I believed I had the wrong approach for developping a prestashop theme , I would have liked to start with a "bearbone" type of approach but I saw that you needed to start from a parent theme , was I wrong ?
  18. Hello guys, I'am a new developper really interested in using prestashop 8 for an e-commerce website, here is the thing , I am stuck because I don't fully understand how to use the tool, I went to the developper documentation and I didn't fully understand how to start from the beggining , for context I used wordpress and symfony in the past and I knew what to do to add pages ,controllers and routes to make it work , do you know ressources that could help me to understand the steps to do it properly ? I searched on google and on youtube but most of the content I found was no code content , I may have missed things (I hope so) . Thanks for your time !
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