Yes, I noticed that. That's why I kept looking
my ybc_themecoonfig.php - in line304 I made a change that you can't see
I found the text that I want to change. It was in the file ybc_themeconfig.php in modules/ybc_themeservices I changed the text, but on the store page no change.
Thank you for your help, unfortunately it doesn't work that.
When I open the fileb widgets.tpl, the line I am looking for is not there.ot work at my place. When I open the file, the line I am looking for is not there.
please help me locate where I can change the header above the home product block.
This item is not in the translation, I have looked through quite a few files and nothing. Where to look for it ?
mam problem z instalacją na nowym serwerze - Zettahost.
Przy instalacji na poziomie 23% wyskakuje bład
próbowałem już wszystkich dostępnych w sieci rozwiązań ale brak efektów. Czy ktoś przerabiał temat aktualnie ?
instalacja wysypuje się na wersji 8.1 i
I have the same problem with version 8, But the code is different, and the solution doesn't work, someone can help
on presta 17.8.9 is the same. Hosting on Zettahost