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Everything posted by markseinto

  1. Hello. I would like to have the short description of the product in the order_conf.html email. At the moment I have added this line to the PaymentModule.php file: 'description' => $product['description_short'], and this one on the order_conf_product_list.tpl: <strong>{$product['name']} {$product['description_short']}</strong> But I can't get the description in the email. How can I get it? Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi. I would like to have this filter on the homepage. Is there any customization to make it possible?
  3. Hello guys/girls. I would like to add a 2nd "Add to Cart" botton next to the 1st on the product page. Once you click on it a pop up with a custom form opens. How can I do it? Thank you.
  4. Oh ty I found out that it is one of the js files.
  5. Thank you for your answer. The module is onepagecheckoutps, just in case. I'm guessing this is the part of the code to edit, but I'm not sure: //add checkbox guest checkout if (Configuration::get('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED')) { $new_field = new FieldControl(); $new_field->name = 'checkbox_create_account_guest'; $new_field->id_control = 'checkbox_create_account_guest'; $new_field->name_control = 'checkbox_create_account_guest'; $new_field->object = 'customer'; $new_field->description = $this->l('Create an account and enjoy the benefits of a registered customer.'); $new_field->type = 'isBool'; $new_field->size = '0'; $new_field->type_control = 'checkbox'; $new_field->default_value = (!$this->context->customer->isLogged() && !$this->context->customer->isGuest() ) ? (int) $this->config_vars['OPC_PRESEL_CREATE_ACCOUNT'] : '1'; $new_field->required = false; $new_field->is_custom = false; $new_field->active = true; $opc_fields[$new_field->object.'_'.$new_field->name] = $new_field; }
  6. Hi. I would like to uncheck the account creation for guests, it is checked by default and I just want to give the option to check/uncheck. How can I do it? Is that value on onepagecheckoutps.php? My prestashop is 1.7.7.
  7. 2022 update: Is there any solution for this matter? Even splitting my sitemap by products, categories and cms still has too many links.
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