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  1. Do you know the name of the module? Also how to set it for group and countries? Thank you
  2. Hi all, is there any way to show some products (let's say the "fresh" one") only to customers which are from a given city or state? For example: I want to show product "Fresh Salmon" only to customers from the city of "Berlin". Thank you in advance. Giacomo
  3. Thanks. I found it out. I have 2 languages : DE - IT Now, the "good one" is DE and everything is fine there. Problems come up with italian languages: it shows the products name as stated before (Copy of) but when editing it I don't see "copy of " anywhere. IT is not a big issue but still an issue.
  4. actually when going in the product page, I see the title, which is correct, but don't see anywhere the "copy of"....
  5. Hi all, I desperately need your help. I'm a new user and helping a friend with a e-commerce . So someone created a product (actually more than one) by duplicating an existing one. Fine. The problem now is that the product has the name "copy of". My question: how to edit/amend/rename it? thank you in advance.
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