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About Samantha_94

  • Birthday 03/02/1994

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    Module Developer

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  1. Hi there, I'm writing this post because maybe you'll be able to help me as I got stuck with the module that I'm creating. I'd like to create a module adding "remove all" button to a cart that shows confirmation modal after being clicked. Up to this point I created the following: 1. Remove all button (see screenshot below) 2. Function in front controller that allows to remove products from cart. 2. Modal itself (see screenshot + please ignore styling) I want the function removing products from cart to be executed after a user clicks the "confirm" button in the modal, however I can't target it using query selector in my front.js file. I tried to do this with nested AJAX request and when I did it this way I've had an access to the button, however when I clicked it, I got again response with modal. My question is: How to handle multiple AJAX requests using module controller? How to access the button that I displayed using AJAX? Below you'll also find my code from main module script with function rendering a modal, code from my front controller and my jquery ajax request. Function rendering modal: public function displayModal() { return $this->display(__FILE__,'modal.tpl'); } Front controller: class RemoveAllCartButtonAjaxModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public function initContent() { $this->ajax = true; } public function displayAjax() { $modal = array('modal' => $this->module->displayModal()); exit(json_encode($modal)); } public function removeAll(){ $products = $this->context->cart->getProducts(); foreach ($products as $product) { $this->context->cart->deleteProduct($product["id_product"],$product["id_product_attribute"]); } } } Jquery AJAX $('.remove-all-btn').click((e) => { e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: controller_link, success: (res) => { const jsonData = JSON.parse(res); $('#footer').before(jsonData.modal) } }) }); Huge thank you in advance for any advises!
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