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Everything posted by Ress

  1. Do you want these rules to apply at all times? Remove the ".invalidAttribute" selector from the CSS rules. The difference is that in the first picture, that class is added, which in picture 2 it is not, and so the rules no longer apply. I can't figure out what it's from, maybe that combination is out of stock?
  2. As far as I can see, in the second picture, the span with class "radio-label" does not have class "invalidAttribute", so all those css rules will not apply.
  3. Can you also show in which function you wrote that code? In a specific hook?
  4. In default theme: your_prestashop/themes/classic/templates/catalog/listing/product-list.tpl You can comment on the part where the subcategories are added. {block name='subcategory_list'} {*{if isset($subcategories) && $subcategories|@count > 0}*} {*{include file='catalog/_partials/subcategories.tpl' subcategories=$subcategories}*} {*{/if}*} {/block}
  5. Did you clear the cache? Both from prestashop, in case you have it active, as well as from the browser? Specifically, you could see in the source of the page, if your code is in the file (custom.js, header.js).
  6. In your_prestashop/themes/classic/templates/_partials/header.tpl <div class="col-md-12 hidden-sm-down text-xs-center" id="_desktop_logo"> <div class="header-top-right col-md-12 col-sm-12 position-static"> Also add this css lines: #header .header-top > .container > .row:first-of-type { flex-wrap: wrap; } /*increase logo size */ #header .logo { width: 200px; }
  7. Are you using the default theme?
  8. Can you detail a little? Where exactly do you want to call, directly in the controller? Through a module in a certain hook?
  9. Hi, You should change the parameters between them, like this: WHERE pa.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', array_map('intval', $products_id)) . ')
  10. From what I see in the database, if you set the amount and leave the price as it is, it is saved -1 in the "price" property.
  11. Rather than develop this functionality, I think it is more advantageous to buy a module that does this, there are quite a few to choose from. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/search?search_query=customer approve
  12. If you set the price directly, yes, it is the one without tax. That property works when you set the discount amount.
  13. You can do this from the translations section.
  14. Which way did you set the discount? Did you put the price directly? Or did you set a discount (amount or percentage)
  15. If you can't find the modules in the Module Catalog, they may already be installed, so you will find them in Dashboard -> Modules -> Module Manager.
  16. How would you like the products to be in your order? There would be about 2 possibilities, as a pack, or individual products (in which case I guess it would help with stock keeping, invoicing etc).
  17. Hello, Go to Dashboard -> Modules-> Module Catalog, and install modules like New products block, Specials block, Top-sellers block or Viewed products block.
  18. Hi, For the value to include taxes, set property reduction_tax to 1 (from the SpecificPrice object, of course).
  19. You must give an array of carrier references (`id_reference` from ps_carrier_table) as a function parameter.
  20. Hi, The products purchased are in the ps_order_detail table. Basically, you just have to make a select, ordering them in descending order. If you want something more complex, you can also check the current status of the order that the products are part of, so that it is not a canceled order, or one that has not yet been processed.
  21. The list of categories is retrieved via API from Prestashop. You can see exactly how they are retrieved: your_prestashop/src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/Improve/ModuleController.php, getCategories() method more specific: your_prestashop/src/PrestaShopBundle/Service/DataProvider/Admin/CategoriesProvider.php, getCategoriesMenu() method
  22. You can add as many ranges as you want.
  23. Have you tried to make any other changes through the template? Are the changes made?
  24. You could put it in catalog mode, and in this way, customers can see the site, the products, but they can't buy. But to schedule it between certain hours, it is not possible from the default settings in PrestaShop.
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