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Ress last won the day on May 8 2022

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  • Birthday 09/10/1992

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  1. It's ok if he doesn't need a certain number of products, or if he doesn't use pagination. Because for example, if 20 products are brought in, and some of them are out of stock, he will be left with less.
  2. You could change the query in the getProducts method(class Category), where you can add stock check (this function is used to bring the products), or you could change the settings for product visibility, i.e. when a product is out of stock, you change its visibility to nowhere, and when it comes back in stock, you make it visible again (there are modules that do this, you can even find free ones).
  3. Ress

    Images alt

    Do you want to put custom texts, or use certain formulas, e.g. product name + certain feature or + certain attribute?
  4. Do you want to remove the decimals from the whole site, or just for that price? If you use the "displayPrice" function, it displays the price according to the prestashop price format.
  5. Check in the database, in the ps_meta table, that there are not 2 times, or something like that, and for one of the ids, that you have no data in ps_meta_lang.
  6. This is how it works, the qty discount is for each individual combination, it does not apply to all combinations of a product. You can try with a more advanced module for promotions, like: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/promotions-gifts/9129-promotions-and-discounts-3x2-sales-offers-packs.html
  7. Hi, You can create a new employer profile, and set only what permissions it needs. But it would be better to have a test version of your website, in which you don't have customer data.
  8. For each change in the status of the order, the date of the change is saved in the database. You can make a script to generate a csv with what you want.
  9. What version of prestashop is it about? It is good to indicate this as well.
  10. Do you have new products on the site? Try to increase the number of days for which the product is considered new, maybe that's why.
  11. The check is done in the init method, from the Product controller. If you want to make certain changes, there should, normally, an inactive product you can only see it in preview mode, where you have the preview parameter in the url.
  12. You can see exactly what checks are normally done, in CartController, processChangeProductInCart method. You can follow the same steps.
  13. You can use jQuery for this. Specifically, you can use the "change" event for the first dropdown to populate the other input. https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/event_change.asp Now it also depends on where you have the data for the values in the second input. Do you load it from the database? https://www.tutorialspoint.com/how-to-populate-select-list-with-jquery
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