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Everything posted by Senior33

  1. I tried all of them that are compatible with Presta 1.7. php 7.1 to 7.4. I know you as the most compatible one. Should I go to 8 or above? And thank you for caring and responding. reagrds
  2. Hello again everyone, The entire site works smoothly. But whenever I try to enter the admin panel, I get this error. I have debug mode on and I want to share it with you. I would be glad if you help. https 500 error. Thanks in advance.
  3. Welcome , Actually, I need to explain in more detail. It is really easy to design modals thanks to ready-made codes. What I was wondering is to run the Modal on presta and place it with the add to cart button (below or above). Here is where I don't fully understand. Regard
  4. Hello again, I want to add a new 'button' to my single product page, for example above the ADD CART button. When 'Button' is selected, the modal popup will appear and I will show the user a text or table containing the information I want. eq: Shipping Details Button and an information table or text about shipping and fees when opened. Thank you Regards
  5. Hello again, I want to add a new 'button' to my single product page, for example above the ADD CART button. When 'Button' is selected, the modal popup will appear and I will show the user a text or table containing the information I want. eq: Shipping Details Button and an information table or text about shipping and fees when opened. Thank you Regards
  6. It didn't catch my attention because the button color is dark, but now I saw it and did it. I appreciate your help. NP Thank you.
  7. Hello, Design > Theme Logo > Page (others) Thank you.
  8. Welcome, I tried to do what you said but there is no such trace. Currently :I am using PrestaShop version: Regards.
  9. Hello , I want to customize my product page. I would be very happy if you could help me about which document I need to edit. The photos I added sum it all up. Thanks in advance. Regards
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