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Everything posted by Nil

  1. so... what information do you need, I really need these arrows to work
  2. I didn't code anything, it was all done with a module called "ap page builder" This is working in one page but not in this one (My second page)
  3. anyone? I managed to add them but it's not scrolling left and right, the arrows are there but it doesn't work, the PS version is and the slider I think it's related to the "Apollo Page Builder" module
  4. Look at my other comments, I've already told you that I found it but I have no idea how tpl files work
  5. I have no idea how tpl files work, I just want to do this, that (if the brandname is "Gucci" then instead of a url to a website it just shows a modal popup) but .Tpl looks harder it looks like a combination of html and java.
  6. I don't even know if this is a module or not. There is this part where you can select what brand you want to filter (If you select "Dodo" then the products with the brand "Dodo" in it will show) the thing is that I have to add a module window or something that when you press ONLY the Gucci brand (For example) you have to select between [gold, silver, bronze]
  7. I'm trying to create a modal window, so when you click on a button it opens a small window where you can press on out of 3 buttons, and I can't find this exact button in the FTP files. How are you supposed to locate these files from specific parts of the website? Is there some kind of way to see the route of the file through the inspect mode?
  8. When I click on one of these 2 arrows it should slide to the next image, but it does nothing, I don't know what the problem might be, help please.
  9. Espera ya funciona, desactive el modulo llamado "Dynamic Ads For Facebook" y por algun motivo ya me deja usar el metodo de pago "Transferencia bancaria" parece que todo funciona, no se porque funciona quando desactivo el modulo este de facebook pero bueno, win
  10. acabo de cambiar el nombre de la carpeta del modulo "facebookdynamicads" y ya no me sale error, pero en ningun momento me pidio los datos de mi cuenta bancaria para poder comprar el producto
  11. please I need help, I have no idea how to fix the "bank transfer" method of payment, it's always the same blank/500 error page
  12. antes de darle a borrar cache quiero saber que hace, eliminara mi pagina web o... que? Es que no quiero romper nada
  13. it is used so you can see the other product images
  14. Acabo de intentarlo con Firefox y me sigue pasando lo mismo, aunque en vez de un mensaje de error es una pantalla en blanco
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