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Fadli Abderrafie

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Everything posted by Fadli Abderrafie

  1. si cest possible the telecharger et partager avec moi le zip avec google drive ou mediafire ..
  2. bonjour , je suis la recherche de un module qui s'appel SPIN TO WIN qui donne au client une pop up pour joue ca chance si win je le donne un code genere pour pormo .. sorry about my bad french i hope some one can help me . thank you have nice day
  3. SOLVED edit product.tpl from <span class="discount-percentage">{$product.discount_percentage}</span> {else} <span class="discount discount-amount"> {l s='Save %amount%' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog' sprintf=['%amount%' => $product.discount_to_display]} </span> to {if $product.discount_type === 'percentage'} <span class="discount-percentage discount-product">{$product.discount_percentage|round:0}%</span> {elseif $product.discount_type === 'amount'} <span class="discount-amount discount-product">{$product.discount_percentage|round:0}%</span> {/if}
  4. by the way i found the solution but its work just in one place SOLVED Need to change that code in Product.tpl and Product-special.tpl from that code <span class="discount-percentage">{$product.discount_percentage}</span> to <span class="discount-percentage discount-product">{$product.discount_percentage|string_format:"%d"}</span>
  5. Hi everyone , when i calcule the % of price the result gives to me float number but i want to force it to give me exact number like if after "," more then 50 gives me 15% if less then ,50 gives 14% please need help .
  6. (1/1) SmartyException Source: Missing name in smarty_template_source.php line 168 at Smarty_Template_Source::load(object(SmartyDevTemplate))in smarty_internal_template.php line 168 at Smarty_Internal_Template->__construct(false, object(SmartyDev), null, null, null, null, null)in Smarty.class.php line 1029 at Smarty->createTemplate(false, null, null, object(SmartyDev), false)in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 189 at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(false, null, null, null, 0)in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116 at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(false, null, null, null, false, true, false)in SmartyDev.php line 40 at SmartyDev->fetch(false)in HTMLTemplateInvoice.php line 77 at HTMLTemplateInvoiceCore->getHeader()in PDF.php line 125 at PDFCore->render(false)in PaymentModule.php line 654 at PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder(85, '16', 479.0, 'cmi', 'Paiement avec CMI', array(), 0, false, 'f89c4a20cd646aafafe835947982765c')in cmi.php line 216 at Cmi->validateOrderMtc(85, '16', 479.0, 'cmi', 'Paiement avec CMI', array(), null, false, 'f89c4a20cd646aafafe835947982765c')in validation.php line 92 at CmiValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess()in Controller.php line 295 at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 518 at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28
  7. this is the full error message and the debug mod is enabled , the problem is the order is passed in back office but the problem not good if visiter see the blink page
  8. when i make an order with "cash on delivery or other module of piement " i have this error even i receive an email about order and in back offer i see the order but the problem in redirection page show me this page does not work error 500 ... i tried make this solution " The solution could be to add column "round_mode" in table "ps_orders" and could be provably also add column "id_tax_rules_group" in table "ps_order_detail" As stated on: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/394979-solucionado-error-500-módulo-bank-wire-transferencia-bancaria-prestashop-16011/ " but i found already have those columns ... please need a help
  9. when i make an order with "cash on delivery or other module of piement " i have this error even i receive an email about order and in back offer i see the order but the problem in redirection page show me this page does not work error 500 ... i tried make this solution " The solution could be to add column "round_mode" in table "ps_orders" and could be provably also add column "id_tax_rules_group" in table "ps_order_detail" As stated on: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/394979-solucionado-error-500-módulo-bank-wire-transferencia-bancaria-prestashop-16011/ " but i found already have those colum ... please need a help
  11. Version of php 7.3.28 version of prestashop but when i downgrade php to 7.1 its work , the problem is if my society want me to work with lastest version of php i will have that problem anyway so please need help.
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