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  1. Hello to the community , I am working with Prs The field <Tax Rate> displays the correct local VAT rate but with 3 digits after the comma being 21,000% instead of 21,00% How can this be changed? Thanks in advance / Ron
  2. another 1 in the line for this feature, has there been a solution yet for this?
  3. lets say a product is a running shoes and comes in different colors. Standard Prestashop will show the viewer a simple color icon for the 'running shoes colors" available. My Q is if and how it would be possible to replace this default color icon by the actual product (in case the product consists of multiple colors) Looking forward hearing from you all
  4. 1st of all my apologises if this topic has been posted before (prior to this post I tried to find a similar case but was not able to find). My shop is 2 days before launch. When earlier today testing an order consisting of 2 products I experience the awkward outcome that my PrestaShop (version is generating 2 invoices...so 1 invoice for each order item. I checked if both products were allocated that the same warehouse and also check that the same shipping method is selected for both...still I don't understand why PrestaShop is outputting 2 invoice for 2 products whereas a single invoice is obvious preferred and the method forward. Anyone out here can shed his/her light on this 1 ;-)?
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