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Ze Pedro

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  1. I'm trying to costumize the filter in my product category page, the module I'm using is faceted search, I know the smarty code relative to the filter is on /themes/classic/templates/catalogue/_partials/facets.tpl , but when I change something there , the front end doesn't update. I have tried: - Clearing browser cache - Clearing prestashop cache - Clearing smarty cache manually ( in chache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile) - Forcing compile But nothing seems to work.
  2. Hi. I have an e-goi form in a cms page on my website, but the placeholder attribute is being ignored by the html editor. When I save the page it disappears as if it is wrong. Here is my code. Is this attribute not supported or something? <form method="post" id="aboutform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="******ignore this******"> <input type="hidden" name="lista" value="13" /> <input type="hidden" name="cliente" value="846080" /> <input type="hidden" name="lang" id="lang_id" value="pt" /> <input type="hidden" name="formid" id="formid" value="78" /> <iframe width="300" height="150" name="dummyframe"></iframe> <div id="input12"> <div id="labelinput1"> <label class="lbi">Your name</label> <input type="text" name="fname_834" id="fname_834" placeholder="name"/> </div> <div id="labelinput2"><label class="lbi">Your email</label> <input name="email_835" id="email_835" value="" type="text" placeholder="email" /></div> </div> <div id="labelinput3"><label class="lbi msg">Your message</label> <textarea id="easygoi_846" name="easygoi_846" cols="22" rows="3" placeholder="your message"> </textarea></div> <input type="submit" value="Send" /></form>
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