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  1. is there a way to make it appear in a line by its own on the invoice ? because when i add the handling fee it appears with the delivery fee .
  2. can i name it whatever i want ? i don't want it to appear as "handling charges"
  3. i want to add a fixed fee to every order that a customer makes. in the prestashop's BO you can only add a rule and it's in % . i just want to add 0.6$ to every order ( my country's other tax) thanks in advance .
  4. as you can see in the first picture attached bellow, when i'm browsing the categories, breadcrumb is working fine, but when i open a product's page as you can see in the second picture, the breadcrumb doesn't show the full path. do anyone know how to fix that ? i want the whole path of the that product to be shown above . thank you in advance
  5. i changed my domain url from the backoffice and now i can't access the backoffice and here is what is says attached below
  6. i want to create a collapsable sub menus, because the theme i have doesn't make the sub menus collapsable after certain level. as you can see in the picture attached. the main category is "table scolaire" and the sub categories are "gamme.... " but they don''t appear as sub categories and appear on the same level as "table scolaire".
  7. i want to change this "brands" title (or module's name) to something else . is there a way to do it ?
  8. some of the products that i'm adding to the site require two color palettes for example you can - choose the top color of a chair - choose a different color for the metallic parts like this picture my question is : is it doable by duplicating the colors ? or do i need a different module or is there any work around ?
  9. can't we like tag a moderator or something ? i think it's host related, because i have another site hosted on another server and it works fine...
  10. i recently installed prestashop , the latest version and when i access the backoffice, all of the menus are preslected and i can't select any of them . i'll attack a screenshot of the bug, and i hope you guys could have a solution
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