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  1. Hi everyone. I hope you all are having a good day. At the moment I've started using the Prestashop API. I've tryed to access in the way is shown in the documentation. But a problem appears. When making any request I got a message saying (photo 1) { "errors": [ { "code": 18, "message": "Invalid authentication key format" } ] } Idk why this is happening. I'm putting correctly the data. The API key and his authorization mode is putted exactly as shown in documentation. (photo 2) I tryed too making request with another url structure that I find on an old prestashop forum post. The structure of url was this www.domainname.com/api/?ws_key=your key This url correctly works but dont let me put another options ( like display : full ) and more... Does anyone knows if I'm putting fields in some wrong way or something like that? I hope I was explicit. Thanks for your time, I really Appreciate. Mizar.
  2. Good afternoon! I hope you guys are having a good day. At this point I'm looking to send a sms when sending a status mail. I would like to know how I can achieve this. "I think that we first have to find where the status is sent, then we have to put the code to sms ( api or service ). I've seen the entire code but I can't figure out how to reach when the status is sent. Can you tell me where is that piece of code? Thanks for helping.
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