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Everything posted by juliomgm

  1. And were you able to solve this? Because Price Rules don't have anything to reorder the rules and say stop other Rules from processing. i forgot i got PS
  2. I have created two rules: The first rule is set so that certain brands, with several condition groups (one brand in each group), do not receive a discount (I also tried adding a 1% discount). The second rule is based on a combination attribute (size) value, to give a 50% discount. The problem is that the brands from the first rule are still getting the discount from the second rule. How can I fix this?
  3. That was it. Using debug mode in backoffice i had cleaned the cache, but i didn't go and deleted files. You were a life saver. Thanks.
  4. I have my backoffice, including the login page, if debug mode is off, white only with the words menu and help, don't know what else to do can anyone help? <div class="bootstrap"> <div class="page-head "> <div class="wrapper clearfix"> <ul class="breadcrumb page-breadcrumb"> </ul> <h1 class="page-title"> </h1> <div class="page-bar toolbarBox"> <div class="btn-toolbar"> <a href="#" class="toolbar_btn dropdown-toolbar navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#toolbar-nav"><i class="process-icon-dropdown"></i> <div>Menu</div> </a> <ul id="toolbar-nav" class="nav nav-pills pull-right collapse navbar-collapse"> <li> <a class="toolbar_btn btn-help" href="https://help.prestashop.com//doc/AdminLogin?version=;country=" title="Ajuda"> <i class="process-icon-help"></i> <div>Ajuda</div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div>
  5. there was one update for ps_eventbus version = '3.0.7' today and its working again.
  6. I have been using Google Merchant and Facebook, but since yesterday, the markting has compleatly crashed i can't enter this options. PS Version: psxmarketingwithgoogle version = '1.70.0' ps_facebook version = '1.37.0' ps_eventbus version = '3.0.5' Is there anyting i can do? ServiceNotFoundException Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent service "router". Did you mean this: "ps_checkout.prestashop.router"? at vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php:348 at Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get('router') (classes/module/Module.php:3462) at ModuleCore->get('router') (modules/ps_eventbus/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:168) at PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Helper\ModuleHelper->getUpdateLink('ps_eventbus') (modules/ps_eventbus/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:216) at PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Helper\ModuleHelper->buildModuleInformation('ps_eventbus') (modules/ps_eventbus/src/Service/PresenterService.php:120) at PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Service\PresenterService->expose(object(PsxMarketingWithGoogle), array('info', 'products', 'currencies', 'categories')) (modules/psxmarketingwithgoogle/controllers/admin/AdminPsxMktgWithGoogleModuleController.php:109) at AdminPsxMktgWithGoogleModuleController->initContent() (classes/controller/Controller.php:306) at ControllerCore->run() (classes/Dispatcher.php:518) at DispatcherCore->dispatch() (admin192rfqjyf/index.php:93) Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent service "router". Did you mean this: "ps_checkout.prestashop.router"? at vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php:348 at Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get('router') (classes/module/Module.php:3462) at ModuleCore->get('router') (modules/ps_eventbus/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:168) at PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Helper\ModuleHelper->getUpdateLink('ps_eventbus') (modules/ps_eventbus/src/Helper/ModuleHelper.php:216) at PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Helper\ModuleHelper->buildModuleInformation('ps_eventbus') (modules/ps_eventbus/src/Service/PresenterService.php:120) at PrestaShop\Module\PsEventbus\Service\PresenterService->expose(object(Ps_facebook), array('info', 'products', 'currencies', 'categories', 'taxonomies')) (modules/ps_facebook/controllers/admin/AdminPsfacebookModuleController.php:123) at AdminPsfacebookModuleController->initContent() (classes/controller/Controller.php:306) at ControllerCore->run() (classes/Dispatcher.php:518) at DispatcherCore->dispatch() (admin192rfqjyf/index.php:93)
  7. I don't have this file. I don't have this directory Wrapper
  8. I have installed google analytics 4.2.2 and I have Prestashop In debug mode when i open a category page i get the errors in the image. Is there anything i can do? Thanks.
  9. I am using Prestashop Marketing/Google. This comes built in prestrashop and i have it up-to-date how can i change it? This is not an external plugin....
  10. I have the module up to date (v1.59.0) with PrestaShop account, Google Account, Connected Merchant Center Account, Product Feed. But when i choose my ads account number from the list and click connect i get the error i posted. I don't know what i need to update in prestashop so that API connection work.
  11. Hello everyone. I am trying to link one existing google ads account. It recognizes my account and i choose it, but when i click in connect it gives me one error: Não conseguiu conectar sua conta no Google Ads, ela está do nosso lado, por favor, tente novamente. translating it says : Can't connect to account in Google Ads, she is on our side, please, try again.
  12. Same thing (renamed to z.htaccess) ** One more thing this is a test page with CloudPanel in a test VPS to see how it runs
  13. Installed prestashop, all good. When i login to admin and i chose any option it will send me to the store store front and leave the admin page. if i go to admin page the login is still active but i am unable to change anything. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  14. Hello. i tried to look for it but can't find anything. Is there a way to add additional features to product Attributes and show them when we select that attribute ? Ex: Product - Laptop Xpto Attribute 1 - Model A1 Features for Model A1 Storage - 500 GB Memory - 8 GB Attribute 2 - Model A2 Features for Model A2 Storage - 1 TB Memory - 16 GB Thanks.
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