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Everything posted by Ale_BB

  1. Lo siento, nadie me respondió y lo dejé. No fue una cosa asì importante para mi.
  2. Ok, so I guess it's not achievable with the native PrestaShop functionality, right?
  3. Hello everyone, I am struggling with this problem! I need to create a cart rules with 40% OFF discount that should override an exsisting catalog price rule of 20%. Actually it works, but not the way I want: it applies the 40% to the already discounted product, basically giving the customer a 20% + 40% discount. I want the 40% to be applied to the original price of the item. Is there a way to do this in PrestaShop 1.7? Thank you!
  4. Questo purtroppo non lo so, mi dispiace. Aspettiamo che qualcun altro risponda!
  5. Dipende da qual è la pagina in questione: tieni conto che hai delle pagine generiche per la vista prodotto, per la categoria, per le pagine aggiuntive, ecc che si popolano dinamicamente con il contenuto del sito. Quindi, per fare un esempio, se tu volessi creare un footer personalizzato SOLO per le pagine dei prodotti potresti anche farlo; se invece volessi un footer diverso solo PER UN PRODOTTO non ti sarebbe possibile. Si, ovviamente. Lavora sul template che stai utilizzato nel front-end, altrimenti non ha senso. E crea un tema child di quello che vuoi modificare, non editare direttamente QUEL tema. Se non sai come farlo, qui c'è la guida ufficiale di PrestaShop 😉 https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/themes/reference/template-inheritance/parent-child-feature/
  6. Ciao, ti faccio subito una domanda banale: non hai un tema installato che rimpiazza quello Classic, vero? Se invece hai il tema classic, prova a dare uno sguardo al sorgente della pagina e vedi se questo estratto di codice (vedrai ovviamente solo html puro, niente smarty o php) è presente ma nascosto da una classe css oppure non c'è proprio. Se vuoi invece modificare solo il footer di una specifica pagina, devi individuare la pagina specifica, rimuovere l'inclusione del footer "globale" del sito e creartene uno ex-novo specifico per quella pagina. Tutto dipende però da qual è la pagina in questione... ti avviso che potrebbe essere un po' complicato farlo, dipende dalle tue competenze.
  7. Hello, I'm reanimating this dead cold topic because I was trying to implement the same thing in my shop. I am using PrestaShop but the proposed method was for 1.6 and it doesn't work on my version. Does anyone know how to make it work? Thanks!
  8. I SOLVED the problem by myself! Basically, those emails I was checking weren't working because there was a module that was overriding them, the ps_emailalerts. It has the email templates in the child theme folder. I edited them and everything worked fine! I hope it could help someone else with my same problem.
  9. Hello Luca, it would be better if you don't, cause it's forbidden by PayPal terms of condition adding a fee to their payment method Here's an extract of what you can find on their User Agreement page: So don't! 😉 Instead, try to make you customer feel safe and secure buying from you by reassuring them with what your website offers in terms of security and assistance (ex. SSL protection, RMA, fast shipping, customer service). Anyway, if you feel like PayPal asks too much, you can increase the price of the item on the website, but make it the same for every kind of payment they can choose. Have a nice day!
  10. Awesome, I was able to customize the email template within your module by creating a child theme version of them. Now it perfectly fits the style of the store! Great work! 🏆
  11. I really have no idea how to do that 😅
  12. Yes, but I have to open the order to see it. I have created 500 voucher with the same name and I advertised them through flyers. Now I want to see who used that code without opening every single order to check (I receive about 30 orders per day and I can't control each of them singurarly). Is there a way to find it quickly?
  13. Hello, this might be easy but I can't find a solution on the web! How can I see which order used a voucher/coupon in my back-end? Thank you!
  14. Hello, I was trying to create a new SuperAdmin user but limited to a specific shop only (I have multi-shop on my PS) but, even if it makes me select only one of them, once I hit "Save", it selects all of them anyway, making the procedure useless. Is this because the SuperAdmin can't be limited this way, is it some kind of bug or I am simply doing something wrong?
  15. I think it's the only solution at this point. I will see and update this topic as soon as I find the problem. Thanks for now!
  16. The cache was already deactivated (I'm working on a development website that is a copy of the live version), but I cleaned it anyway: no results. The "correct" file is still in the mail folder, but when I return an object, I still receive the old one.
  17. The one I was used to modify was the mail folder of my child theme. I have also checked the parent theme folder (the theme I bought) but there's no return_slip.html or txt at all. Same thing for the classic PS theme. I wonder where PrestaShop is taking that wrong template it keeps using 🤷‍♂️
  18. Sorry, I didn't specify it, but I have already checked it and there's no evidence of that link in the txt version. My modification has been done on the html file some time ago with the temporary link and then switched to the correct one recently (and it appears on the html), but the mail that comes out still have the old version. I was thinking, could it be some kind of "cache" provoking this behaviour?
  19. Hello everyone, I have a strange issue I can't solve by myself, regarding the return_slip.html mail I have modified it some months ago when the website was in development, adding a link inside it that easily brings you to the rma panel in PrestaShop just with one click, great thing to improve the usability and smoother the workflow. Now that the website is live and running for the customers, when they submit and rma, we receive the email with the developing link (wrong one) and when I try to change it in the path /themes/myChildTheme/mails/it the email contains the right button link, but the email itself is written in english while it's in the italian language folder. Plus, in the english email folder "en" there's no return_slip.html. Same happens in the regular "Theme" folder (the one from which I made the child theme), while in the "classic" theme there's no return_slip.html at all, both italian and english. I'm not sure if I am missing something or this is some kind of bug, but I could really use some help 😅 Thank you!
  20. Hello Happy! I've downloaded your module and tested it on my PrestaShop and it works perfectly, so I recommend it since it does what it says and, plus, it's free! I came across your GitHub repository before, while searching for the module: The only thing I would have liked even more is the ability to choose a different email template for this purpose, instead of the generic customer message one. This is only a suggestion, not a complain! It's a free module and, hey, you've done even more then you had to do Have a nice day!
  21. Hi Martin, isn't it the module that comes already installed with PrestaShop?
  22. Hello, Hello Philipp, I have already tried one of these module fo replace the stock rma procedure, but it didn't work well, so we came back to the original one. What I simply need to add is the notification email for the customer as he opens the rma, nothing more than that. I suppose I should put some code somewhere, but I'm not experienced enough to do that on my own.
  23. Hello everyone, sorry to revive such an old post, but I have a similar problem! I would like my customer to receive an email when he submits a new rma, but I haven't find a way to make it happen on PrestaShop 1.7. Does anyone know how yo do it (manually or with a module)? Thanks!
  24. Hello MXL, it has been a while ago now, but if I can recall it well it was some kind of problem cause by the PayPal module. I solved it by switching to another payment method that included PayPall too, in my case BrainTree. Also, after setting the new payment method I had to recreat every carrier in order to make them work correctly. Have a nice day!
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