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Everything posted by ValterV

  1. Thanks for the answer. I restarted all the payment methods and went back to configuring them one by one and they finally work.
  2. Any one can help ? We launched the online store today and it has no payment option. I have stripe, paypal, bank transfers, everything set up. But none show up at checkout.
  3. Hello, I modified the theme images and css colors, but in the mobile version I don't see any changes. In mobile version on Pc, i can see all changes but on mobile i can't. Where can I edit the mobile version?
  4. Ele agora já distingue com iva e sem iva mas arredonda 7,50 para 8 euros
  5. Eu escrevo 7,9 no retail prices tax incluidas e automaticamente aparece o mesmo valor na tax excluida. E no preço final de venda aparece 8€. Migrei através de um addon migration pro.
  6. Olá, Migrei o meu site para o 1.7 , e os preços ficaram todos alterados com arredondamentos. Não consigo ter um valor de ,por exemplo, 17,50€, ele arredonda para 18€. Não vejo a opção de controlar as casas décimais para quando arredonda. Quando insiro o valor com iva ou sem iva, eles ficam iguais. Alguém me pode ajudar?
  7. I have Prestashop 1.6 and pixel its for Ps 1.7. Any one know how to connect my store with facebook store?
  8. I have a module for pre order that cause that problem. Thanks for your help
  9. line 422 is the end. Only have to put checkQuantities($return_product = false) on 422 line ? <?php class Cart extends CartCore { /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function isVirtualCart($strict = false) { $virtual = parent::isVirtualCart($strict); if ($virtual) { if (!isset($this->feeamount)) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; } if ($this->feeamount > 0 && $this->method == 1) { return false; } } return $virtual; } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function checkDiscountValidity($discountObj, $discounts, $order_total, $products, $checkCartDiscount = false) { if ($discountObj->apd) { return false; } $newdiscounts = array(); foreach ($discounts as $discount) { if ($discount['id_discount'] != 'bvkpfd') { $newdiscounts[] = $discount; } } $discounts = $newdiscounts; return parent::checkDiscountValidity($discountObj, $discounts, $order_total, $products, $checkCartDiscount); } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function getDiscounts($lite = false, $refresh = false) { $discounts = parent::getDiscounts($lite, $refresh); if (!isset($this->feeamount)) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; } if ($this->feeamount < 0 && $this->method > 0) { $discount = array(); $discount['obj'] = new CartRule(Configuration::get("BVKPAYMENTFEES_CRULE")); $discount['obj']->id = Configuration::get("BVKPAYMENTFEES_CRULE"); $discount['obj']->value = abs($this->feeamount); $discount['obj']->value_tax_excl = abs($this->feeamount_tax_excl); $discount['obj']->value_real = abs($this->feeamount); $discount['obj']->value_real_tax_excl = abs($this->feeamount_tax_excl); $discount['id_discount'] = 'bvkpfd'; $discount['id_cart_rule'] = Configuration::get("BVKPAYMENTFEES_CRULE"); $discount['free_shipping'] = 0; $discount['gift_product'] = 0; $discount['name'] = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getDiscountLabel(); $discount['description'] = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getDiscountLabel(); $discount['value_real'] = abs($this->feeamount); $discount['value_real_tax_excl'] = abs($this->feeamount_tax_excl); $discounts[] = $discount; } return $discounts; } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function getCartRules($filter = CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL, $autoAdd = true) { if (Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->checkIgnore()) { return parent::getCartRules($filter, $autoAdd); } Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(true); $discounts = parent::getCartRules($filter, $autoAdd); Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(false); if ($filter != CartRule::FILTER_ACTION_ALL) { return $discounts; } if (!isset($this->feeamount)) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; } if ($this->feeamount < 0 && $this->method > 0) { $discount = array(); $discount['obj'] = new CartRule(Configuration::get("BVKPAYMENTFEES_CRULE")); $discount['obj']->id = Configuration::get("BVKPAYMENTFEES_CRULE"); $discount['obj']->value = abs($this->feeamount); $discount['obj']->value_tax_excl = abs($this->feeamount_tax_excl); $discount['obj']->value_real = abs($this->feeamount); $discount['obj']->value_real_tax_excl = abs($this->feeamount_tax_excl); $discount['id_discount'] = 'bvkpfd'; $discount['id_cart_rule'] = Configuration::get("BVKPAYMENTFEES_CRULE"); $discount['free_shipping'] = 0; $discount['gift_product'] = 0; $discount['name'] = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getDiscountLabel(); $discount['description'] = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getDiscountLabel(); $discount['value_real'] = abs($this->feeamount); $discount['value_real_tax_excl'] = abs($this->feeamount_tax_excl); $discounts[] = $discount; } return $discounts; } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function getOrderShippingCost( $id_carrier = null, $use_tax = true, Country $default_country = null, $product_list = null ) { if ((Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->checkIgnore())) { return parent::getOrderShippingCost($id_carrier, $use_tax, $default_country, $product_list); } if (!isset($this->feeamount)) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; } Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(true); $shipping = parent::getOrderShippingCost($id_carrier, $use_tax, $default_country, $product_list); Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(false); if ($this->feeamount > 0 && $this->method == 1) { if ($use_tax) { $shipping += $this->feeamount; } else { $shipping += $this->feeamount_tax_excl; } } return $shipping; } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function getPackageShippingCost( $id_carrier = null, $use_tax = true, Country $default_country = null, $product_list = null, $id_zone = null ) { if ((Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->checkIgnore())) { return parent::getPackageShippingCost($id_carrier, $use_tax, $default_country, $product_list, $id_zone); } if (!isset($this->feeamount)) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; } Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(true); $shipping = parent::getPackageShippingCost($id_carrier, $use_tax, $default_country, $product_list, $id_zone); Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(false); if ($this->feeamount > 0 && $this->method == 1) { if ($use_tax) { $shipping += $this->feeamount; } else { $shipping += $this->feeamount_tax_excl; } } return $shipping; } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function getTotalShippingCost( $delivery_option = null, $use_tax = true, Country $default_country = null ) { if ((Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->checkIgnore())) { return parent::getTotalShippingCost($delivery_option, $use_tax, $default_country); } if (!isset($this->feeamount)) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; } Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(true); $shipping = parent::getTotalShippingCost($delivery_option, $use_tax, $default_country); Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->setIgnore(false); if ($this->feeamount > 0 && $this->method == 1) { if ($use_tax) { $shipping += $this->feeamount; } else { $shipping += $this->feeamount_tax_excl; } } return $shipping; } /* * module: bvkpaymentfees * date: 2021-02-01 10:53:52 * version: 4.3.6 */ public function getOrderTotal( $withTaxes = true, $type = self::BOTH, $products = null, $id_carrier = null, $use_cache = true ) { if ((Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->checkIgnore())) { return parent::getOrderTotal($withTaxes, $type, $products, $id_carrier, $use_cache); } if ($type == self::BOTH) { $fee = Module::getInstanceByName('bvkpaymentfees')->getFee(); $this->feeamount = $fee['feeamount']; $this->method = $fee['feemethod']; $this->feeamount_tax_excl = $fee['feeamount_tax_excl']; if ($this->feeamount && ($this->method == 0)) { return parent::getOrderTotal($withTaxes, $type, $products, $id_carrier, $use_cache) + ($withTaxes ? $this->feeamount : $this->feeamount_tax_excl); } } return parent::getOrderTotal($withTaxes, $type, $products, $id_carrier, $use_cache); } /* * module: belvg_preorderproducts * date: 2021-04-23 14:19:45 * version: 3.1.0 */ public function checkQuantities() { require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "belvg_preorderproducts/classes/ProductPreorder.php"); if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE')) { return false; } foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) { if (!$product['active'] || ( !$product['allow_oosp'] && $product['stock_quantity'] < $product['cart_quantity'] AND ($product['cart_quantity'] > ProductPreorder::getAvailablePreorderQty($product['id_product'], $product['id_product_attribute'])) ) || !$product['available_for_order']) { return false; } } return true; } /* * module: belvg_preorderproducts * date: 2021-04-23 14:19:45 * version: 3.1.0 */ public function updateQty($quantity, $id_product, $id_product_attribute = NULL, $id_customization = false, $operator = 'up', $id_address_delivery = 0, Shop $shop = NULL, $auto_add_cart_rule = true) { require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . "belvg_preorderproducts/classes/ProductPreorder.php"); if (!$shop) { $shop = Context::getContext()->shop; } if (Context::getContext()->customer->id) { if ($id_address_delivery == 0 && (int) $this->id_address_delivery) { $id_address_delivery = $this->id_address_delivery; } elseif ($id_address_delivery == 0) { $id_address_delivery = (int) Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId((int) Context::getContext()->customer->id); } elseif (!Customer::customerHasAddress(Context::getContext()->customer->id, $id_address_delivery)) { $id_address_delivery = 0; } } $quantity = (int) $quantity; $id_product = (int) $id_product; $id_product_attribute = (int) $id_product_attribute; $product = new Product($id_product, false, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), $shop->id); if ($id_product_attribute) { $combination = new Combination((int) $id_product_attribute); if ($combination->id_product != $id_product) { return false; } } if (!empty($id_product_attribute)) { $minimal_quantity = (int) Attribute::getAttributeMinimalQty($id_product_attribute); } else { $minimal_quantity = (int) $product->minimal_quantity; } if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) { die(Tools::displayError()); } if (isset(self::$_nbProducts[$this->id])) { unset(self::$_nbProducts[$this->id]); } if (isset(self::$_totalWeight[$this->id])) { unset(self::$_totalWeight[$this->id]); } if ((int) $quantity <= 0) { return $this->deleteProduct($id_product, $id_product_attribute, (int) $id_customization); } elseif (!$product->available_for_order || Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE')) { return false; } else { $result = $this->containsProduct($id_product, $id_product_attribute, (int) $id_customization, (int) $id_address_delivery); if ($result) { if ($operator == 'up') { $sql = 'SELECT stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p ' . Product::sqlStock('p', $id_product_attribute, TRUE, $shop) . ' WHERE p.id_product = ' . $id_product; $result2 = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql); $product_qty = (int) $result2['quantity']; if (Pack::isPack($id_product)) { $product_qty = Pack::getQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute); } $new_qty = (int) $result['quantity'] + (int) $quantity; $qty = '+ ' . (int) $quantity; if (!Product::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock((int) $result2['out_of_stock']) AND ($new_qty > ProductPreorder::getAvailablePreorderQty($id_product, $id_product_attribute))) { if ($new_qty > $product_qty) { return false; } } } elseif ($operator == 'down') { $qty = '- ' . (int) $quantity; $new_qty = (int) $result['quantity'] - (int) $quantity; if ($new_qty < $minimal_quantity && $minimal_quantity > 1) { return -1; } } else { return false; } if ($new_qty <= 0) { return $this->deleteProduct((int) $id_product, (int) $id_product_attribute, (int) $id_customization); } else if ($new_qty < $minimal_quantity) { return -1; } else { Db::getInstance()->execute(' UPDATE `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart_product` SET `quantity` = `quantity` ' . $qty . ', `date_add` = NOW() WHERE `id_product` = ' . (int) $id_product . (!empty($id_product_attribute) ? ' AND `id_product_attribute` = ' . (int) $id_product_attribute : '') . ' AND `id_cart` = ' . (int) $this->id . (Configuration::get('PS_ALLOW_MULTISHIPPING') && $this->isMultiAddressDelivery() ? ' AND `id_address_delivery` = ' . (int) $id_address_delivery : '') . ' LIMIT 1' ); } } elseif ($operator == 'up') { $sql = 'SELECT stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p ' . Product::sqlStock('p', $id_product_attribute, true, $shop) . ' WHERE p.id_product = ' . $id_product; $result2 = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql); if (Pack::isPack($id_product)) { $result2['quantity'] = Pack::getQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute); } if (!Product::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock((int) $result2['out_of_stock']) AND ($quantity > ProductPreorder::getAvailablePreorderQty($id_product, $id_product_attribute))) { if ((int) $quantity > $result2['quantity']) { return false; } } if ((int) $quantity < $minimal_quantity) { return -1; } $result_add = Db::getInstance()->insert('cart_product', array( 'id_product' => (int) $id_product, 'id_product_attribute' => (int) $id_product_attribute, 'id_cart' => (int) $this->id, 'id_address_delivery' => (int) $id_address_delivery, 'id_shop' => $shop->id, 'quantity' => (int) $quantity, 'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); if (!$result_add) { return false; } } } $this->_products = $this->getProducts(true); $this->update(true); $context = Context::getContext()->cloneContext(); $context->cart = $this; if ($auto_add_cart_rule) { CartRule::autoAddToCart($context); } if ($product->customizable) { return $this->_updateCustomizationQuantity((int) $quantity, (int) $id_customization, (int) $id_product, (int) $id_product_attribute, (int) $id_address_delivery, $operator); } else { return true; } } }
  10. Unknown error na linha 422 do ficheiro /home/hg22ow4m/public_html/override/classes/Cart.php [2048] Declaration of Cart::checkQuantities() should be compatible with CartCore::checkQuantities($return_product = false) Any one knows how to fix that?
  11. I found Prestashop error on Unknown error na linha 422 do ficheiro /home/hg22ow4m/public_html/override/classes/Cart.php [2048] Declaration of Cart::checkQuantities() should be compatible with CartCore::checkQuantities($return_product = false) or this is a problem because Ps event Bus?
  12. Thats new for me. How do you do that? Im in FTP module directory. Sorry my newbie question
  13. So * @return void */ private function loadEnv() { $dotEnv = new Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv(); $dotEnv->load(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ps_eventbus/.env.dist'); if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ps_eventbus/.env')) { $dotEnv->load(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ps_eventbus/.env'); } $dotEnv-> composer update } Its correct? Sorry im not a coder
  14. When i acess on modules page appears that message [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/hg22ow4m/public_html/modules/ps_eventbus/ps_eventbus.php: syntax error, unexpected 'composer' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) Sorry im not a code guy, but im trying. I put that code on that: * @return void */ private function loadEnv() { $dotEnv = new Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv(); $dotEnv->load(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ps_eventbus/.env.dist'); if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ps_eventbus/.env')) { $dotEnv->load(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'ps_eventbus/.env'); } composer update }
  15. That part its ok and correct. That error can be caused by Ps event Bus Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv' not found ?
  16. [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/hg22ow4m/public_html/modules/ps_eventbus/ps_eventbus.php: Class 'Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv' not found My Prestashop is 1.6.1 How i fix that error ? I cant open modules page
  17. when I finish the purchase, this message appears. No payment modules have been installed. I saw some answers on this topic but none led me to the solution. Any one can help?
  18. Hello, Anyone knows a module that send automatic notification to carrier when client do the checkout and select that carrier ?
  19. Hi, The module 1 click upgrade says that i have the laste version. Why? I want upgrade to 1.7 and its not possible option in that module. my version PrestaShop: Latest official version for minor channel.: 1.6.1 stable - ( Any help please
  20. Prestachamps Thanks for your reply
  21. Hi, Any one knows any module that put my option colors in a grid wiuth a buttons + or - and add to cart? Something like that image. Or that https://www.graffitishop.net/Grog-Full-Metal-Paint-200-Refills-Markers-id10108 Its important to be responsive table.
  22. Bom dia, Quando adiciono um produto ao carrinho, aparece-me o total dos portes baseado na transportadora padrão. Como posso remover isso? Gostaria que os portes só aparececem depois de seleccionar as opções de transporte. Deste modo estou a induzir o cliente em erro.
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