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Yulia Vitun

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  1. the same happened to me on PS 8.2. Solution from Zohaib-fk still useful, thanks.
  2. // REQUIRED FIELDS "merchant_id": XXXXXXXXX, "order_id": "{/literal}{$smarty.get.id_order}{literal}", "email": "{/literal}{$customer.email}{literal}", "delivery_country": "BE", "estimated_delivery_date": "{/literal}{date('Y-m-d', $smarty.now+432000)}{literal}",
  3. the same issue on PS 8.1.2 with Dutch language we need a solution
  4. Partial Solution on How to Regenerate an Invoice (checked on PS 8.1.2): Run this link in your browser and replace highlighted text as mentioned below: https://your.site/admin/index.php/sell/orders/1234/generate-invoice-pdf Note: 1. change the name of your.site 2. replace admin with actual admin folder name from your back office 3. replace 1234 with actual order number found in your back office N.B. this will generate invoice with IN000000 number, but will not update/save it in database May be somebody knows how to update database with invoice, so that customer can download the invoice from their account page?
  5. Solution checked on PS 1. rename folder: //img/temp to //img/temp_old 2. create a new folder //img/tmp 3. go to Back Office: Sell>Catalog>Products -> scroll down and select "Items per page:" (current maximum 300) -> page will regenerate all thumbs in tmp folder. N.B. if you have more than 300 products > filter them per ID columns, for example: from 2 to 600 etc. enjoy
  6. I am leaving here my error I have got in debug mode on PS after installing Ship by Distance module and going to configure it: Notice on line 257 in file (my_web_directory)/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/modifier.escape.php [1024] escape: unsupported type: - returning unmodified string Solution above helped to get rid of the error message. Can anyone confirm - it is safe to do so?
  7. the same issue here: PS - cannot Configure/Uninstall/Reset PrestaShop Metrics (( already tried this "dance" with no results: https://www-prestaweb-fr.translate.goog/error-could-not-perform-action-reset-for-module-undefined/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=pl&_x_tr_pto=wapp ended up deleting folder ps_metrics from /modules
  8. the same issue for me. reset of ps_mbo helps, thank you JBW ! and for those who would stuck in the debag mode: manually change "true" to "false" in line 29 in file //config/defines.inc.php define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
  9. Hi Zohaib-fk, thanks for quick reply. Question: on PS 8.0.1 I have got an error 500 and had to manually delete folder to restore access to Module Manager (see my previous post) However I still see link to "Cookie Consent Banner" on the left menu side. - Could you advise how to completely delete your module from the system on 8.0.1?
  10. for info: tested on PS and 8.0.1 on PS all visually works, expect not clear how to change color of the black box and buttons location "banner bottom"is actually showing box on top left on PS 8.0.1: "500 Internal Server Error" when trying to go to module manager to resolve, since module manager is not working, manual deletion of the folder .../modules/sfkcookiebanner via FTP
  11. the same issue here in November 2022 ( for some reason the content of //pdf/invoice.shipping-tab.tpl is not appearing in the final invoice.tpl as a work around to add content (table) of invoice.shipping-tab.tpl into //pdf/invoice.payment-tab.tpl Result of //pdf/invoice.payment-tab.tpl: <table id="payment-tab" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="payment center small grey bold" width="44%">{l s='Payment Method' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</td> <td class="payment left white" width="56%"> <table width="100%" border="0"> {foreach from=$order_invoice->getOrderPaymentCollection() item=payment} <tr> <td class="right small">{$payment->payment_method}</td> <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount}</td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> </td> </tr> </table> <tr> <td colspan="12" height="10">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <table id="shipping-tab" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="shipping center small grey bold" width="44%">{l s='Carrier' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</td> <td class="shipping center small white" width="56%">{$carrier->name}</td> </tr> </table>
  12. Thank you @link2badar This is exactly what I was looking for! Just to confirm: on PS1.7.8.7 recommended method helps to Sort Out and to Search Invoices in Back office.
  13. PS - to add new column Invoice number to BO Orders list: in file /src/Core/Grid/Definition/Factory/OrderGridDefinitionFactory.php - to add new column: add this around line 194 ->add((new DataColumn('invoice_number')) ->setName($this->trans('Invoice', [], 'Admin.Global')) ->setOptions([ 'field' => 'invoice_number', ]) ) - to add filter field: add this around line 321 ->add((new IdentifierColumn('invoice_number' )) ->setName($this->trans('Invoice', [], 'Admin.Global')) ->setOptions([ 'identifier_field' => 'invoice_number', 'preview' => $previewColumn, 'clickable' => false, ]) ) To do / not working: - how to sort out in Invoices in Ascending / Descending order? - How to search/ filter for a specific Invoice number?
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