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  1. I've set up a catalog of products, each one has the price excl and incl VAT in the Pricing section. In Customer Settings>Groups, all groups have Price Display Method set to "VAT included". All products are still showing with VAT excl prices, though, and this persists all the way through the checkout, it doesn't add the VAT anywhere. Can anyone help me fix this, please? www.geekyfuroshiki.com
  2. derp, of course! Thanks, are there any sites that have good advice or courses on how to use text editors like this, for embedding pics and videos and making it all look good? I'm just using the basic text editing as part of the text block module, are there any prestashop addons that improve the rich text editor?
  3. I renewed the cert and found the Preferences, so have enabled SLL in admin and the majority of the site is locked now, thanks, but the homepage still says insecure, which I think looking at the console is because of the jpegs I incorporated into my text block. Is there any way of fixing this, or will all text blocks with images in them be a vulnerability?
  4. I've set up my shop (www.geekyfuroshiki.com), and have noticed that the address bar has no https and marks it as not secure. I've gone into the OVH dashboard to make sure my SSL certificate is set up, and find there is one domain that doesn't have it, but whenever I go edit and try to enable the SSL on it, I get a An error has occurred when modifying the domain/s of your hosting plan. message. What am I doing wrong here?
  5. Fixed it! I'd added United Kingdom in the International>Locations>Zones options, but under International>Locations>Countries United Kingdom was still listed as being in Europe. I edited United Kingdom, changed its Zone to United Kingdom, and enabled all the other Countries so they could be chosen when setting an address. Now it all seems to be working as expected
  6. I've set up 4 different carrier options for royal mail in the UK - two for first class and signed for shipping in the UK, and two for standard and signed for shipping outside the UK (see pic). As far as I can tell I've set up the ranges correctly, included a weight for the product, and set the Standard UK as the default carrier, but when trying to buy a product from the shop, when I get to the shipping method, the only options showing are the international ones (see pic). I can't see any reason this would be happening, I can only assume the site thinks I'm ordering from abroad, is that possible (Default country is UK, and the address I used in the checkout was a UK one)? Can anyone help me fix this? Thanks! www.geekyfuroshiki.com
  7. I've altered the pre8351_shop_url to be '/', and now the BO is http://www.geekyfuroshiki.com/admin7032/, the view my shop gives http://www.geekyfuroshiki.com/gb, so I think that is straight now. I changed all the %shop_urls to be '/'. I've still only got the template basics at http://www.geekyfuroshiki.com/gb, though, none of the work I did, is that recoverable, or do I need to build it up again from here?
  8. I went into /app/config/parameters.php and changed the prefix to pre8351_, then went to the PS BO. Previously it was http://www.geekyfuroshiki.com/admin7032/, with the pre8351_ it becomes http://geekyfuroshiki.com/geekyfuroshiki.com/shop/admin7032/, presumably because it's listed as '/geekyfuroshiki.com/shop/' in the database and is adding an extra 'geekyfuroshiki.com'. Do I need to edit the database entry for pre8351_ to just '/shop'?
  9. I only have one database in my OVH BO, geekyfurmg909. I went into that and looked for %_shop_url and found four possible tables, shown in the shot below ps_ lists the physical_url as '/', and the domain and domain_ssl as www.geekyfuroshiki.com. pre3201_ lists the physical_url as '/', and the domain and domain_ssl as geekyfuroshiki.com. mod651_ lists the physical_url as '/[[my username email address]]/', and the domain and domain_ssl as geekyfuroshiki.com. pre8351_ lists the physical_url as '/geekyfuroshiki.com/shop/', and the domain and domain_ssl as geekyfuroshiki.com. Based on that, is pre8351 the one I need the password for to put into database_name/ database_user/database_password in /app/config/parameters.php? Where can I find that password, is it in the database somewhere? And is there a significance to ps_ having www. in the domain, while the rest don't have it?
  10. I can't figure it out, I think I'll start over. I delete and reinstall the prestashop module, then do I need to do anything to the Database? I'm worried I'm going to end up with a third load of data in there that is unneeded...
  11. all that info is the database listed in the OVH BO, ( 'database_host' => 'geekyfurmg909.mysql.db', 'database_port' => '', 'database_name' => 'geekyfurmg909', 'database_user' => 'geekyfurmg909', 'database_password' => 'XXXXXXXX',), is there a more recent database that all the /shop stuff was under that I need to find and redirect it to? And if this doesn't work, is there a way to reinstall prestahop using the / url this time, and upload the original db/ftp files, or is it best to just start from scratch?
  12. Never mind that bit, I reset the password I'm into the BO and the "view my shop" is taking me to the root folder now, but it hasn't brought any of the work I've done with it, how can I put the files back into the right place?
  13. I've backed up the DB and ftp files, then changed the Base URL in PS back office to "/" instead of "/shop/", then moved the shop folder up to the www. directory in ftp. I then tried to login to PS using the url without /shop, but now it says There is one error. The employee does not exist, or the password provided is incorrect. and I can't get in. Is there a way to correct this?
  14. I had a go at redirecting. Both www.xxx.com and xxx.com are already redirected to IP addresses, so it complained and I'm not sure whether it's safe to tinker with them. Is it simplest to move everything from xxx.com/shop down to the xxx.com level? How would I do that without losing my progress so far, do I need to back it all up somehow?
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