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  1. Change the behavior from "IN-CONTEXT" to "REDIRECT" or reversed. This may fix it until you solve the current problem. Good luck If you didn't already, put it in maintenance for a few minutes and activate the debug mode to see if you get any errors.
  2. Sorry, mate, not yet. I was thinking to read the module's files and try to reverse the tables and create them myself. I'll wait a few more days to see if I find another solution.
  3. Thanks for feedback, mate, but I've already tried this. Also, you don't have to use the sql manager to see the tables, you can just create a SSH tunnel(is running on google cloud, i'm using presta certified by bitnami) and connect straight to phpmyadmin to see everything.
  4. Hello, everyone, (I don't know if this is the good section so, I apologize if is not) I've just installed the PayPal payments module, connected the account, made a purchase - everything good till here. The problem is, when I'm trying to see the order details in the backend I get this error: Table 'ps_paypal_order' doesn't exist I assume the module should create some tables in the database but looks like that's not the case here. Can someone give me the dumps or data structure(so I can create them myself) for the module's tables ? (Or a solution/idea, if any) Thank you
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