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  1. Hi, I have the same problem. Have you been able to solve it? Thank you!
  2. I am interested too Do you know the solution? Thank you!
  3. We have the exact same problem. "Account validation failed" despite the verified and claimed site. Did you find a solution?
  4. Now I see the problem. On the order page, the footer has no hooks. GoogleAnalyticEnhancedECommerce is linked via the displayFooter hook, but the displayFooter hook does not exist on the order page. I don't know how to fix it because if I add the displayFooter hook on the order page then I get a lot of information that doesn't have to be there.
  5. Hi, Other pages, for example the product page, load GoogleAnalyticEnhancedECommerce properties document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { if (typeof GoogleAnalyticEnhancedECommerce !== 'undefined') { var MBG = GoogleAnalyticEnhancedECommerce; MBG.setCurrency('EUR'); MBG.addProductDetailView(..... But on the order page GoogleAnalyticEnhancedECommerce doesn't show up anywhere in the source code. Thank you!
  6. Hi, Thanks for your response. The checkout page is the original of Prestashop. The module only adds payment methods. Does anyone know what could be going wrong? Thank you!
  7. Thanks for your reply. I am using Paycomet platform for payments. I guess the problem is in this module.
  8. It looks like there is code to be developed in the module's GoogleAnalyticActionLib.js file addCheckout: function(Step) { ga('ec:setAction', 'checkout', { 'step': Step //'option':'Visa' }); ga('send', 'pageview'); },
  9. Hello, Thanks for your answer. The point is that Google is tracking transactions, etc. but not the checkout page. I don't know how to fix it. Thank you
  10. Hi, The same happens to me. Any solution? Thank you!
  11. Hello, URL: http://www.nummulit.com/ PrestaShop: PHP: 7.3.33 Google Analytics: v4.1.2 I have configured the Google Analytics module in my store and it is not capable of collecting the data referring to sessions with checkout. I enclose a screenshot with the data it is currently collecting (curiously, it does collect completed purchases). Do you know any solution? Thank you very much,
  12. Hi, I had a similar problem and it was solved with version 5.0.27 of the Correos module
  13. You are right! I had not noticed. I have contacted the developers of the module of the postal service Correos to solve it. Thank you so much.
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