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Everything posted by lm21173

  1. @ShRon I'm using a Zemez theme, the developers fixed it for me
  2. From what I remember it was an issue with the theme, so I got support to fix it
  3. Hi Matt, I don't need to create stuff at the moment, but I'm having a similar problem with PUT. I raised a question here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/12580 However I feel like Prestashop has just its own way to do things, since using PrestaSharp (.NET library) I'm able to edit objects Luca
  4. Hey Matt, Did you find an answer? There is no documentation and the API doesn't match the way an API should work Thanks
  5. They are enabled. I tried disabling them and the label says "tax excluded", I then re-enabled it and I get the same price as above + "tax included". The tax is also set for every product in the product page Thanks
  6. Hi Crezzur, It is set correctly in the settings for all groups, but it displays the wrong price. I set all groups to use included tax price, but when I open a product I get the tax excluded price with the label "tax included". Even when I do the checkout the price I'm asked to pay is tax excluded Thanks, Luca
  7. .Hello, I've been playing around with a few products, and I then noticed that the prices are not right. I have the "show tax included price" flag enabled for every customer group. However, the price shown is tax excluded, even if the label says "tax included". I then tried adding it to the cart and go to the summary before paying, and it was adding no tax, so it was assuming that the price was taxed already. I tried changing in a number of different ways, but the final price shown in the product section price tab is not the one that is applied if I were to buy the product. EDIT: it works fine for logged in users, the problem is with guests and visitors, even if the settings are all the same I even tried setting the default category for visitor as being client, but I still see the excluded tax price I'm running Prestashop (because of theme compatibility) Can anyone give me a hint for what to look for? Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitor: Customer (logged in):
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