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  1. Hi Leo, We have check this but we can't find a ps_tab_lang at all. Kind regards, Jordi
  2. Dear, I'm having trouble with our back-end, it showing the Controller-names as tabs after an version upgrade. Our Admins have multiple languages available. We have tried serveral things but its not yet working. Kind regards, Jordi
  3. Dear humans, I have a little question, I'm running my own webshop and only sell digital licences. On my Prestashop website people will pay and afterwards gets an email with the exact product key they ordered.(Simple module in the store) The thing is that I now also want to give people simple instructions in the email how to install the product key, the products all have other instructions and all need other instructions texts. I would like to know how I can make a couple email templates and attach them to the right product so that the customer knows what he/she has to do with the product key. The instructions may come in one mail with the payment confirm email or in a separate email. I already tried a lot of things for several hours but I can't just get around it. Already thanks for helping! Kind regards, Jordi
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