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Everything posted by Sevrin
Nobody knows?
The same issue with PS 1.6 and nobody knows
When I want to print order and product titles are long, I get this, how can I get rid of that scroll bar? I see it when I have printed order (PDF)
I got it, I can put at least email address Open /admin***/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl About row 588 find code <div class="col-xs-6"> {if ($customer->isGuest())} {l s='This order has been placed by a guest.'} {if (!Customer::customerExists($customer->email))} <form method="post" action="index.php?tab=AdminCustomers&id_customer={$customer->id}&id_order={$order->id|intval}&token={getAdminToken tab='AdminCustomers'}"> <input type="hidden" name="id_lang" value="{$order->id_lang}" /> <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="submitGuestToCustomer" value="{l s='Transform a guest into a customer'}" /> <p class="help-block">{l s='This feature will generate a random password and send an email to the customer.'}</p> </form> {else} <div class="alert alert-warning"> {l s='A registered customer account has already claimed this email address'} </div> {/if} {else} <dl class="well list-detail"> <dt>{l s='Email'}</dt> <dd><a href="mailto:{$customer->email}"><i class="icon-envelope-o"></i> {$customer->email}</a></dd> <dt>{l s='Account registered'}</dt> <dd class="text-muted"><i class="icon-calendar-o"></i> {dateFormat date=$customer->date_add full=true}</dd> <dt>{l s='Valid orders placed'}</dt> <dd><span class="badge">{$customerStats['nb_orders']|intval}</span></dd> <dt>{l s='Total spent since registration'}</dt> <dd><span class="badge badge-success">{displayPrice price=Tools::ps_round(Tools::convertPrice($customerStats['total_orders'], $currency), 2) currency=$currency->id}</span></dd> {if Configuration::get('PS_B2B_ENABLE')} <dt>{l s='Siret'}</dt> <dd>{$customer->siret}</dd> <dt>{l s='APE'}</dt> <dd>{$customer->ape}</dd> {/if} </dl> {/if} </div> Copy this: <dt>{l s='Email'}</dt> <dd><a href="mailto:{$customer->email}"><i class="icon-envelope-o"></i> {$customer->email}</a></dd> right below this code <form method="post" action="index.php?tab=AdminCustomers&id_customer={$customer->id}&id_order={$order->id|intval}&token={getAdminToken tab='AdminCustomers'}"> <input type="hidden" name="id_lang" value="{$order->id_lang}" /> <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="submitGuestToCustomer" value="{l s='Transform a guest into a customer'}" /> <p class="help-block">{l s='This feature will generate a random password and send an email to the customer.'}</p> </form> Save and upload.
Hello, when customer will register his/her account, I see details on order page. But when customer purchases only as Visitor I see only this: I need there some info, at least email, or tel contact, as in case of registered customers. Is that possible? Thanks. PS
Thanks, looks like this module was uninstalled in my backoffice some time ago (we have more administrators). In Modules section I cannot find any Customers expertise module. In FTP I see "gamification" directory in /modules/ but there are only translation files. Any other suggestions?
Two times happened when addons.prestashop.com had breakdown, my backoffice was very slow. Now there is a similar issue. My Dashboard looks like this, cannot load any data. I opened addons.prestashop.com, and in Modules I see nothing! Maybe some breakdown? I am not sure with this, but problem with loading data in my backoffice has something with issues on addons.prestashop.com. Is there way how can I cut-off addons from my whole ecommerce site? Thanks.
Riešim tento problém, podľa diskusie by to malo byť fixnuté vo verzii 2.2.1 už dávno, ale problém na mojom eshope pretrváva. Vytvoril som si filtre pomocou atribút a vlastností, ale potrebujem zmeniť ich poradie. Preradím poradie, uložím, znovu otvorím nastavenie filtrov a filtre sú po starom. Na fronte-ende síce filtre sú tak ako potrebujem, ale ak by som to teraz zase uložil, tak sa mi rozhádžu zase, takže zakaždým ako otvorím tento modul a nastavenie filtrov, musím to preradiť ako potrebujem. Nemá niekto s týmto rovnaký problém? Povypínal som cache všade kde sa dalo, ale ani to nepomáha.
Nie som si istý, či sa dá nastaviť v PS vec, že mám dva druhy tovarov, jeden môže prepravovať napr. DHL a druhý Slovenská pošta. Pre PS 1.5 som našiel návod, ako by sa to dalo zrealizovať, ale pre PS 1.6 nie. Zákazník si objedná oba tovary (v jednej objednávke), jeden mu príde cez DHL a druhý Slovenskou poštou. Dá sa to nastaviť?
Hello, this is totally madness. We have multistore: SK, CZ, HU and RO. SK and HU work payments on checkout, but CZ and RO give an error message: No payment method is available. We use COD and TrustPay Settings were compared and are identical in all cases. Modules → Payment - all pamyments allowed for all groups and for all countries. I have no clue what's wrong.
Mám tu jeden starý Prestashop v1.5.4.1 Ide o multistore, SK verziu, CZ, HU a RO Čo sa týka platieb, sú tam moduly COD v0.5 a TrustPay V nastaveniach (Moduly → Payment) sú pre každý eshop nastavené platby a hoci nastavenia sú identické, zobrazujú sa len na SK a HU eshope. CZ a RO eshopy zobrazujú chybovú hlášku "No payment method is available". Totálne tam postrádam akúkoľvek logiku a absolútne neviem čo je zle. Takže sa pýtam tu, či má niekto šajnu kde by mohol byť problém, keď modul funguje len na dvoch eshop a ďalších dvoch nie.
- multistore
- cod
(and 1 more)
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