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  1. Turns out the email configuration on Presta somehow. Changed it down to PHP and now it works. No idea what caused this.
  2. Hi there, I tried to find something about this, but searches yielded nothing. First of all, I am not the developer, but producer, so not super technically minded and the site is currently in limbo after being handed off by the developer to us and the new developer not having taken over the reigns yet, hence me turning to you. The problem is that as a new user I cannot actually register on the site as I do not receive a mail to verify my account. I have fully deleted my account connected to that email on the Presta backend and started fresh, entered the info and hit register and it thinks about it and drops me back on the login/registration field with no error. I can't them log the account in it'll say "THERE IS 1 ERROR - YOUR ACCOUNT ISN'T AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME, PLEASE CONTACT US". I look in the backend and see the account, but its not enabled. I do not receive any verification email to enable the account. I can -manually- enable it on the presta back-end and it then works fine. There are some modules on the back-end needing updating, but nothing email related. Any tips? Much appreciated. Seb
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