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Everything posted by ChrisB257

  1. Thanks for that advice - definite food for thought!
  2. We have been with the host a long time and in the past they have done work pro bono when they could well have charged - this particularly when we set up the store about 2 years ago. While they host the store they are not software experts with that kind of software - and so far attempts to get Prestashop help, despite paying money, has gotten us nowhere - thus current frustration. Can't really fault the actual host at all.
  3. Thing is - some time back we went without any updates for quite a while but then ran into problems - their take was we should update more often! If I recall one problem we had running an out-dated version was security oriented - so again reason host said update regularly. Personally I prefer a ''if it ain't broke .." approach but then that can still come back and bite it seems.
  4. We've only being updating regularly on advice from host. Everything was pretty much OK until cart update and attempted update of Authorize. Cart function seems fine - just this lack of option for entering card info.
  5. Sorry - my bad. How do I change the topic title?
  6. Much of the problem is and has been, that each attempt to get answers has led to responses that don't get anywhere really positive - I have loads of emails which have pretty much led me nowhere. The bug may be classed as small - but because it results in an inability to complete a transaction it's major! Ideally I need to find someone who can take this on and follow thru and that's why I wish I could find someone to actually be able to talk to. People who write back don't seem able to deal with it without basically trying to send me on to someone else etc - plus, links they give don't get me to useful results - that's why I find the website awkward too. Going round in circles!. I'll attach a stitched screen grab of the stage 4 payment page in the cart - as can be seen, no option to enter card info. In fact, 2nd thought - how do I PM you - then I can share the image which contains address info..
  7. Thanks for reply. Trouble is - it is so convoluted!!! We run V1.7.8.0 at the moment and upgraded the basic Ajax cart to latest. From our Authorize.net module we went to 'upgrade' from link - that took us to presto-changeo site where a newer Authorize module purchase was made - supposedly latest update V 2.0.5 although doubtful if this is newest. We have a problem whereby at stage 4 of checkout (payment), there is no option given for card details to be entered... thus no way to complete a transaction. I have been getting no success in finding a resolution and had emails from various sources over days, even trying to find access to a developer - and following up on these seemed to get me nowhere - I feel we have been passed from pillar to post and the websites don't seem entirely user friendly. It has reached a stage where I need to have one person dealing with things and because it is so convoluted need to discuss and explain what is going on. I feel I'd need to write a small book to actually describe every detail over too many days! I am getting more than desperate and need someone to take this on - already paid out about $200 getting module and setting up a tech ticket. I can tell you more if need be but as said, it's gotten so complex.
  8. I desperately need to speak to someone in prestashop and need a number I can call from USA. Tried one I found thru search but it didn't work. This is needed because I am getting nowhere with a problem. It would take too long to explain but, have spent money on a module update and paid for tech support too - but I just am not getting results because feedback is not producing anything but sending me around uselessly. I just have to be able to discuss with someone and try and straighten this whole thing out - meantime our store can't effect transactions.
  9. Have added a new product but 'add to cart' does not work properly - shows all zeros. All other store items successfully register in cart and transactions function fine. (Using Ajax cart successfully for default theme.) The new item has three combinations, like some other items, each set up with appropriate pricing data. Thus far cannot find any settings that would prevent the 'add to cart' success - result is same even if qty change from 1 to 2 or 3 - cart is not seeing it with relevant figures. Attached - image of the item page - looks normal. Plus supposed success 'added to cart' grab - all zeros?! Any thoughts from the gurus as to what might have been wrong in set up?? Puzzled right now.
  10. I'll try and be as brief as possible --- Been running 1.7 for a year or so. last update was to 1.7.5 and all was functioning OK. Tried to update to 1.7.6 - disaster! Had to roll back to 1.7.5. Function was OK. (Have heard others have had problems with latest update). Host reckoned password changes advisable so changed admin pw - no problem. Then update for password in our SMTP - trouble! Bear in mind the email had been fine for ages even after and including a spell after roll back. Same email within my Thunderbird is all OK in all directions after new pw. After password change in SMTP section of admin - got errors after testing from same page - not working. Apart from password update all other parameters were same as before when it was working. Here's something odd - new pw is 8 chrs (applied by copy and paste) but, after a save the pw field shows as being 13 chrs? What?! Any thoughts or advice more than welcome, as right now customers won't be getting order confirmation.
  11. Thank you - they will be checking and also probably going to get them to do the update for me!
  12. We other day tried an update to from previous version - went bad and got load of errors. Host investigated and tried to fix what seemed like a problem caused in server, but to keep us going went back to earlier version Now however the dashboard in back office shows as "Your Presta Shop version is up to date" !! So no option seems available to do a 1-Click update to Anyone have an ideas that would help - please!?
  13. Not sure if this is the right place to ask as this may not be a bug at all. Everything seems set up but at the last stage of ordering in the cart we get "Unfortunately, there is no payment method available." The gateway is fully configured and turned on, and we have our SSL, and so it would be expected that payment should be possible. Is there anything within back office set up that might have been missed so we can enable payment? This is rather urgent and so assistance would be hugely appreciated.
  14. Thanks again for response. Emails are working yes - although from contact form and when the successful cart test happened, in both cases message/comment box contents disappeared! I don't use Chrome, mainly Firefox - I don't like Google snooping! Maybe I should though if the 'incognito' is so useful. Have been unwell and so everything has been a bit on hold - will delve further and see what happens.
  15. Thanks for reply - running the latest - Haven't tried with new account - was trying it out as guest. Gateway is Authorize set to 'test'. Not totally sure what you mean by 'incognito' - unless you mean something else than me as admin,. Odd thing is, very first test worked so not sure what may have changed since then - also, noticed when receipt email came through, text that was typed in comment box did n't show. Same applied with 'contact' page - message box content didn't make it thru.
  16. This may have been covered before but - while I have my store built to a fair degree I confess to still struggling a bit finding all my settings etc. I have my gateway set to ''test'' mode and want to test out the cart. It seemed to work first time, and I got an order receipt, but now at the final stage I get " Unfortunately, there is no payment method available. ". Any advice please? What setting to change?
  17. Hope you don't mind me posting here - am very new to the cart 1.7 and am in very early test phase. I have chosen php for email and I get a send without error and get an arrivat at destination but - what was typed in message box has disappeared. Also, after a test purchase receipt comes thru, what was written in comment box was missing. Seems cart is basic Ajax. Any ideas? One other thing - I need receipts to go not only to the main email address but also to one other - not sure how to set that up. ( I am still struggling a bit in back office finding everything I want, let alone finding installed modules that matter!)
  18. Seem to have solved it - I had made a change in 'visibility' and ' Available for order' was unchecked - checking that has brought back the cart button!
  19. Thx for reply. Temporarily for now, I have small product quantities in for test. 'Out of stock deny' is set but, nothing as yet I can think of would have led to any decrementing of temp small stock values - no test sales done. It's something to check on for sure but since first product behaved OK and not the next one, and then both failed to have live cart button - it does seem odd.
  20. I am very slowly doing my early products build and checking online in maintenance mode as I go. I had one product with combinations set up for drop-down, and the cart button operated. Now, have added another product in same category but find both products have a dead cart button. What might I have overlooked or done wrong? Anyone? Not sure where to look!
  21. Many thanks for the info and link - I will pursue that.
  22. Thank you very much for responding. I admit I am not very fluent with SSLs and gateways etc - not the details anyways. Right now I am in rather a black hole! I have the shop available for experiment from the server - still trying to find my way around but wanted to set up payment stuff and email initially before adding items. Our old cart software uses Authorize and I want to set up on that for Prestashop but when I downloaded an Authorize module it came down as a zip - when in fact I had expected to have it added direct to the site - such that I could then enable and configure. I will dig a bit deeper but thus far remain very inadequate!
  23. Not sure whether anyone can assist. A cart site we use will soon be no use once PHP is upgraded - therefore we need something else - thus attempting to set up prestashop. Before entering product data etc I am trying to get payment options set up . As we already use Authorize.net I wanted to use that but, having gone to add-ons I downloaded a file but that does little good as I need the module to be available in the store admin area. We have SSL already set up. Being new to this software, it is very daunting trying to find a way around all the options, and time is short to actually get things ready to use. Any feedback would be appreciated and even perhaps finding someone to be able to assist with various aspects as well as this gateway question.
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