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Everything posted by ilouie

  1. Use another browser, or delete browser cache. If all else fails, go into server and rename admin folder.
  2. Mine's the opposite. Everything works, but the form..
  3. Hi, I have been looking for the right answer and have not been lucky. I have not been able to get the contact form in PS 1.7.6 to send info into PrestaShop. I have email set to SMTP and it's sending emails out correctly, however, the contact form, upon hitting send, I get this error: An error occurred while sending the message, please try again. Everything seems to be working, but the form, I tried putting it on PHP and it still doesn't work and all comments on fixing it, point to version 1.6. Can someone direct me in the right direction, please?. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, would someone be kind and point me in the right direction, please?. I'm working with PS 1.7.6 and I am trying to remove/delete and/or disable all product images effects and have not been able to find a solution for this. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, I've been searching for the right answer and I have no luck. I've followed every suggestion and still can't accomplish what I'm trying to do. It may be simple but, I can't figure it out. Does anyone know how to remove the Quantity field in the products page?. When a user goes to order a product, I do not want the option to add more than one into the shopping cart, therefore, I'd like to either remove or hide the field. I'm using version 1.7.6. Thanks in advance.
  6. It seems that the image is in element.style but I can't find it to edit it. Does anyone know how to get to it?.
  7. Hi, would anyone know where does PS keep images placed in Row Settings. I need to make an image responsive since it doesn't show correctly in mobile units. I just can't find where it s located. I found the image, but it won't let me add a width to it. Thanks in advance. <div class="pts-container pts-parallax" style=" background-image:url('/modules/pspagebuilder/views/img/centerblue.png') ; margin:0px 0; padding:270px 0"> <div class="pts-inner container">
  8. ilouie

    Log out

    Never mind. I resolved the issue.
  9. ilouie

    Log out

    Hi, does anyone know how to make create a log out for the customer?. It seems once they're logged in, they can't log out. PrestaShop has a module on the top right hand corner that says "Account", it's a dropdown module, which I have enabled, but can't figure out where to edit/modify. I was able to enable the footer module which has the "sign out" link, but it's all the way down on the footer and doesn't go with the theme I am using. Does anyone know where to edit the above module or add a link to the account page to close?. As it is right now, the customer can Log In but, can't log out. Thanks in advance.
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