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  1. Hello, I have a production version which runs normally on prestashop v1.7. I would like to copy that version and make it work on my local computer using wamp server. I tried a lot of things, searching for a lot of posts and I still don't manage to get it work Here is what I did : Common to my 2 techniques tried (see below) : I installed wamp server I created a database for mywebsite and filled it with my production database I changed the domain in ps_configuration and ps_shop_url to localhost and also changed the directory in ps_shop_url I updated the app/config/parameters.php file to set my db name, user and password I emptied the cache from app/cache 1st technique tried I copied all my files from my hosting server to my wamp/www folder I deleted the .htaccess file at the root my folder When I try to access to http://localhost/mysite/adminpro (adminpro is my admin folder name) I got a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED... Same result for http://localhost/mysite. 2nd technique tried I explain below that I managed to get a fresh prestashop work on local. I erased all my folder in mysite directory except the adminpro folder I copied all folders from my fresh prestashop to mysite folder except the admin folder I updated the parameter.php file for the db connection When I try to access to http://localhost/mysite/adminpro I get a blank page and when I try to access to http://localhost/mysite I get an error 500. Please notice that I also tried a normal installation of a fresh prestashop and it works fine so my wamp seems ok with prestashop. I don't know what I missed and I am getting desperate about it Thanks a lot for your help !
  2. Hello, I would like make a copy of my prestashop in a subdomain of my hosting server for a testing purpose. Here are my info : · Domain : mySite.com · Test domain : test.mySite.com · Prestashop version : 1.7 I checked a lot of post and here is what I did : · Created a subdomain in my hosting solution : test subdomain of mySite.com (placed at root level) which refers to the /test directory · Copied and pasted all files on the server to the new directory /test also on the server · Created a database for the test version and imported all data from the current production database · I changed the app/config/parameter.php file to set new information about the database and user · I updated the database for tables ps_configuration and ps_shop_url to set my new domain info · Tried to remove all the files from test/cache/smarty/compile and test/cache/smarty/cache folders but there nothing to remove in there (only the index.php that we need to keep) · Removed the .htaccess file from /test folder And then I still get redirected when I go to test.mySite.com or test.mySite.com/adminpro (which redirects to mySite.com/adminpro) Have you got any idea of what I missed ? Thanks a lot for your help,
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