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Everything posted by Francesco

  1. Yes, I solved the problem in the morning. It was the cookie of Google Analytics module that exceeded the allowed "weight" of 4KB (nginx). I disable the module and now the website is working. Thanks
  2. Hi NemoPS, the site is supported by hosting Plesk 12.5. I contacted the guy who managed it but seems to have no problems. Now I have to send him the error message so he can check it further... I thought also it might be a problem with the Prestashop official GDPR plugin since the error occurred a few days after installation. Their support service advised me to reinstall it but nothing changed. So I tried to deactivate the last installed plugin one by one to see if one of them caused the error ... nothing changed. I have no other ideas at the moment...
  3. Hi everybody, I have a problem when a user trying to login in the Front End, it returns a page with "502 Bad Gateway - nginx". The same problem occurs even when trying to add more than 2-3 products to the cart or when tryng to change product quantity in the cart. I tryed to lower the cookie session in FE and BO from 480 to 240 but doesn't work. I also tryed to set OFF the Ajax Cart ...still not working. Do you have some ideas how to solve it ?? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I would need to set a discount based on the quantity of the selected product ( 5+ pieces 5%, 10+ pieces = 10%) only for a group of customers. The discount must relate to the individual item (not categories or total order quantity). Es ORDER: Art1 - 5 pieces - € 100 (5% discount applies, then € 95) Art2 - 2 pieces - 12 € Art3 - 10 pieces - € 500 (10% discount applies, then € 450) TOT = 95 + 12 + 450 = € 557 Among the many tests, the best I found was to go to the Price Tab of the individual product and add a specific price. So for a quantity of 5 or more (only for a certain group of customers), a 5% discount on the product is applied. Now, when I update the amount in the shopping cart, the thing works. The problem is that in doing so I should set the discount for each product card (more than 1000) Is not there a simpler way to implement this discount? Through the Price Rules or some specific form? Thanks in the meantime to anyone who wants to give me some advice
  5. Ciao a tutti, io avrei necessità di impostare uno sconto in base alla quantità del prodotto selezionato (5 pezzi = 5%, 10 pezzi = 10%) solo per un gruppo di clienti. Lo sconto deve riguardare il singolo articolo (non categorie o la quantità totale dell'ordine). Es ORDINE: Art1 - 5 pezzi - 100€ ( a cui si applica il 5% di sconto, quindi 95€ ) Art2 - 2 pezzi - 12€ Art3 - 10 pezzi - 500€ ( a cui si applica il 10% di sconto, quindi 450€ ) TOT = 95 + 12 + 450 = 557€ Tra le tante prove, la migliore che ho trovato è stata andare nel tab Prezzi della scheda del singolo prodotto ed aggiungere un prezzo specifico. Quindi per una quantità di 5 o superiore (solo per un determinato gruppo di clienti) si applica uno sconto del 5% sul prodotto. E nel carrello, aggiornando la quantità, la cosa funziona. Il problema è che cosi facendo dovrei impostare lo sconto per ogni scheda prodotto (più di 1000) Non esiste una maniera più semplice per implementare questa scontistica? Tramite le Regole Prezzi o qualche modulo specifico? Grazie intanto a chiunque abbia voglia di darmi qualche dritta
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