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  1. hide show issue of SELECT YOUR PAYMENT METHOD when i am check T&C checkbox this issue only on Internet Explorer HOW to solve this issue
  2. this is my site url "https://fluxport.com/" admin site update data but not display in front site autoplay also not working please help for solve this issue
  3. some time delivery_number not create how to solve?
  4. where to add delivery number from admin site
  5. no delivery slip is show in detail page but icon not show in order list
  6. Delivery Slips icon not display in some order why? (https://prnt.sc/hmgf3i) how to set icon on missing icon order
  7. yes but now worked it's cache issue
  8. this is my site URL "http://3star.fluxport.com/" when open my site console look like this(http://prntscr.com/hh3k3s) and display "The page isn't redirecting properly". how to solve this isuue
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