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  1. In SQL section I foudn out, that query from Classes/Tag.php takes over 300 000 ms DELETE FROM `ps_tag` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ps_product_tag WHERE ps_product_tag.id_tag = ps_tag.id_tag) v ps_tag table has 9 365 rows and ps_product_tag table has 53 952 rows
  2. Došel jsem níže v SQL dotazech k tomu, že přes 300 000 ms trval dotaz ze soubory Classes/Tag.php DELETE FROM `ps_tag` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ps_product_tag WHERE ps_product_tag.id_tag = ps_tag.id_tag) v tabulce ps_tag je 9 365 řádků a v tabulce ps_product_tag je 53 952 řádků. Více nevím co s tím. Prosím o pomoc.
  3. Hello, everything was fine on PS 1.4 but after update to PS saving product takes many minutes to save. After I enabled profiling, I found out that postProccess is over 300 000 ms long, how can I find out why it takes too long or how to make it better? Thanks Load Time 311920 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster Querying Time 311424 ms Queries 124 Memory Peak Usage 22.4 Mb Included Files 149 files - 4.30 Mb PrestaShop Cache - Mb Global vars 1.77 Mb PrestaShop Version PHP Version 5.6.32-1+0~20171027135529.7+stretch~1.gbpd60169 (OK) MySQL Version 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 (OK) Memory Limit 1024M Max Execution Time 10000s Smarty Cache enabled Smarty Compilation auto Time Cumulated Time Memory Usage Memory Peak Usage config 57 ms 57 ms 8.57 Mb 10.36 Mb __construct 0 ms 57 ms - Mb 10.36 Mb init 157 ms 213 ms 2.95 Mb 11.77 Mb checkAccess 0 ms 213 ms - Mb 11.77 Mb setMedia 4 ms 217 ms 0.07 Mb 11.83 Mb postProcess 311530ms 311747 ms 6.19 Mb 17.98 Mb initHeader 134 ms 311881 ms 3.23 Mb 21.26 Mb initContent 38 ms 311919 ms 1.16 Mb 22.45 Mb initFooter 1 ms 311920 ms 0.04 Mb 22.45 Mb Hook Time Memory Usage __construct 12 ms 4.75 Mb hookaddproduct 3 ms - Mb hookbackofficeheader 0 ms - Mb hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader - ms - Mb 4 hooks 16 ms 4.75 Mb Module Time Memory Usage homefeatured 3 ms - Mb zbozi 2 ms 0.25 Mb autoupgrade 2 ms 0.75 Mb cronjobs 2 ms 0.25 Mb themeconfigurator 1 ms 0.50 Mb spthemeconfigurator 1 ms 1.75 Mb productscategory 1 ms 0.25 Mb spsearchpro 1 ms 0.50 Mb salemanufacturer 1 ms - Mb salecategory 1 ms 0.25 Mb spblocktags 1 ms - Mb spmegamenu 0 ms - Mb spverticalmenu 0 ms 0.25 Mb plblog 0 ms - Mb 14 modules 16 ms 4.75 Mb
  4. Zdravím, na PS 1.4.x bylo vše OK, po aktualizaci na PS trvá až několik minut uložení nového produktu. Po zapnutí profilování mi vyskočila šílená čísla. Nevíte někdo kde hledat chybu? Strašně dlouho trvá onen postProccess, avšak nevím proč a jak to případně zrychlit. Load Time 311920 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster Querying Time 311424 ms Queries 124 Memory Peak Usage 22.4 Mb Included Files 149 files - 4.30 Mb PrestaShop Cache - Mb Global vars 1.77 Mb PrestaShop Version PHP Version 5.6.32-1+0~20171027135529.7+stretch~1.gbpd60169 (OK) MySQL Version 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 (OK) Memory Limit 1024M Max Execution Time 10000s Smarty Cache enabled Smarty Compilation auto Time Cumulated Time Memory Usage Memory Peak Usage config 57 ms 57 ms 8.57 Mb 10.36 Mb __construct 0 ms 57 ms - Mb 10.36 Mb init 157 ms 213 ms 2.95 Mb 11.77 Mb checkAccess 0 ms 213 ms - Mb 11.77 Mb setMedia 4 ms 217 ms 0.07 Mb 11.83 Mb postProcess 311530ms 311747 ms 6.19 Mb 17.98 Mb initHeader 134 ms 311881 ms 3.23 Mb 21.26 Mb initContent 38 ms 311919 ms 1.16 Mb 22.45 Mb initFooter 1 ms 311920 ms 0.04 Mb 22.45 Mb Hook Time Memory Usage __construct 12 ms 4.75 Mb hookaddproduct 3 ms - Mb hookbackofficeheader 0 ms - Mb hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader - ms - Mb 4 hooks 16 ms 4.75 Mb Module Time Memory Usage homefeatured 3 ms - Mb zbozi 2 ms 0.25 Mb autoupgrade 2 ms 0.75 Mb cronjobs 2 ms 0.25 Mb themeconfigurator 1 ms 0.50 Mb spthemeconfigurator 1 ms 1.75 Mb productscategory 1 ms 0.25 Mb spsearchpro 1 ms 0.50 Mb salemanufacturer 1 ms - Mb salecategory 1 ms 0.25 Mb spblocktags 1 ms - Mb spmegamenu 0 ms - Mb spverticalmenu 0 ms 0.25 Mb plblog 0 ms - Mb 14 modules 16 ms 4.75 Mb
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