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  1. If you visit your site with the language Portuguese PT the banner appears correctly https://re9infotech.com/index.php?id_lang=34 Remember that the banner is associated to a language, add every language you want the banner. Also I recommend you to think about how many languages you accept, you have a lot...
  2. The Ctrl + F5 has to be applied on the client side (When you are looking at the website). This is how a fresh client see the website. https://imgur.com/a/xzacF
  3. Have you check that you are not loading the site with cache? Try this.. Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> Cache -> NO Then refresh the website and try a force Refresh. (Clear browse cache or press Ctrl + F5 in the front office).
  4. Thank you for your help but in Prestashop 1.6 I do not find the class StylesheetManager, searching on Google it seems to be for Prestashop 1.7 . Thank you anyway
  5. Dear Community, At this moment im trying to implement on my shop (PRESTASHOP a modification that adds to the css files a version so I can ensure that the client is going to reload the page with the latest version: The result that I would like is something like <link rel="stylesheet" href="/url_path/mystyles.css?v=123" type="text/css" media="all" /> I have been searching for a solution and I found a thread from 2011 and updated last year, but i'm not able to run it correctly. Thread: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/136126-auto-versioning-css-files-force-css-refresh/ (I tried creating an override with the last comment of this thread and it don't seem to work). I hope someone can help me or at least give me the idea of how to do it. Thanks in advance.
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