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  1. Disabling varnish cache in cloudways also fixed my problem :-) Thank you guys!
  2. I don't know how to optimize. I got an agency for that now. You also can optimize the queries?
  3. Hey sir did you solved your problem and got a fast shop now?
  4. Could you may explain in more detail? I don't understand really.. How should a path normally look like?
  5. Thank you! Home page: 2296 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster / 591 queries product page: 4406ms - 684 queries cart: 3319ms - 667 queries In Backoffice, I can see and it says when I open the "orders" tab and only show 50 orders: Load time: 2694 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster 🤧
  6. Hello Guys, I got a really difficult problem with my shop and scaling system. We have a shop with +1000 products and we do launches every month, that means we got around 500-800 customers in one our who checkout. And we already had been on a 32core with 128gb ram and the server crashed in TOTAL. It was too much performance for the server and its not possible to checkout for any user. Now we moved to a cloud system which we can scale, that means during a launch we scale the cloud system to 20-30 webnodes 4cores and 8gb ram and scale DB to 96 cores. Than the server is not crashing. BUT.. the server it TOTALLY slow. We now tried different cloud systems and hosting provider and all of them telling me that the problem is a prestashop problem itself. A cloud system works with 3 server minimum, that mean webfiles, database and storage are not LOCAL on one server, they are seperated to scale them. The main problem which occurs is, that prestashop is doing for a normal page view a database query from 1000, which is very very much, thats why the server or the whole page is very slowly. When we got the shop on a local system, the page is fast, but when we do it on a cloud system, its sooo slow, because the database querys are too slow and too much which are loading while a page is load. Do you have any idea? Any expert who can help me with that case? I'm tried to solve that problem month right now and it drives me crazy. Thank you! Its this page
  7. Hallo Zusammen, hat jemand schon Infos bezüglich der Conversion API von Facebook? Wir sind auf der Suche nach dem Modul, da bald ja iOS 14 kommt und das Tracking in Prestashop schon immer sehr ungenau war/ist. Falls jemand da Infos hat, bitte bescheid geben. Oder falls sich ein Entwickler daran traut, gerne ebenfalls. Liebe Grüße!
  8. Hey guys. I'm looking for the facebook conversion API which is available for shopify, woocommerce and many others. I can't find for prestashop. In the next month it will be hard so work with the fb pixel only. Any ideas, any developer who would like to build that for us? Thank you!
  9. I'm also looking forward to that, its really urgent :/
  10. Hey, I would like to have an CSV list to see all order which used a specific coupon/voucher. I found this SQL down there in an old topic.. But it's not working correctly. Problem The sql codes table shows all used vouchers in one list, sorted by firstname Solution I only need "date | order-number | voucher | order amount" as collums. And it would be great if I can enter a manual voucher code inside the SQL. Could may someone help me out here? Thank you very much! I think its also interesting for other users. SELECT `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule`.`name` , `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`firstname` , `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`lastname` , `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`email` FROM `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule` LEFT OUTER JOIN `dbname`.`ps_orders` ON `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule`.`id_order` = `dbname`.`ps_orders`.`id_order` LEFT OUTER JOIN `dbname`.`ps_customer` ON `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`id_customer` = `dbname`.`ps_orders`.`id_customer` ORDER BY `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`firstname`;
  11. Hallo, ich möchte alle Bestellungen filtern/sehen, die einen bestimmten Gutscheincode genutzt haben, leider finde ich dazu nichts. Im Englisch Forum habe ich einen alten Code gefunden, der schon teils funktioniert. Problem Diese Tabelle zeigt alle genutzen Gutscheincodes an und sortiert sich nach den Vornamen. Lösung Ich bauchte theoretisch nur: Datum / Bestell-Nr / Gutscheincode / Umsatz - das würde mir reichen, der Gutscheincode kann gerne im SQL angegeben werden, sodass ich auch einzeln danach filtern kann. Kann mir da jemand bei helfen? Vielen Dank! Ist vielleicht auch für viele andere interessant.. SELECT `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule`.`name` , `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`firstname` , `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`lastname` , `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`email` FROM `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule` LEFT OUTER JOIN `dbname`.`ps_orders` ON `dbname`.`ps_order_cart_rule`.`id_order` = `dbname`.`ps_orders`.`id_order` LEFT OUTER JOIN `dbname`.`ps_customer` ON `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`id_customer` = `dbname`.`ps_orders`.`id_customer` ORDER BY `dbname`.`ps_customer`.`firstname`;
  12. Wir nutzen JTL.. allerdings ist der PrestaShop Connector für uns weiter entwickelt worden und da ist immer noch ein paar Bugs drin.
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