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  1. All of my products are set to the attach photo. I have alot of products do doing it individually would be an issue. I am running version
  2. I am having the same issue. My version is and no custom modules and just the default theme.
  3. Hi all, I am not very savvy in these things and I was wondering if you can help. Since the update on our prestashop I am unable to access the front or back end of my site on my computer. Others can on theirs. This is what I get: Yet, if I use a private window I can access it. Its annoying and I was wondering how I could solve this? Thanks
  4. I am currently having this problem. My customers are buying stock that is not in stock. It must be this. Please can you tell me a way to solve this?
  5. Hi There, I am a new to Prestashop, I have set up a discount saying to give free shipping when minimium cart value is £30. For some reason this is not working and is still offering free shipping to cart values under £30. Help! Its frustrating as I am losing money on this offer,
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