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    van starkenburg

berend.starkenburg's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Dear prestashop users, I have a small question about advanced stock management and I hope you could help me out. If two products with the same reference number have the option advanced stock management enabled, does the stock of both products decrease when one of the products is ordered? Kind regards, Berend
  2. Hello, I want to create drop down menus on a product page on my web shop. The product in question has multiple versions and instead of creating a product for each version, I want to create one product where customers can choose the right version via five drop down menus. The customers can choose their vehicle build, model, model year, color 1 and color 2. Each vehicle build has his own set of models, and instead of creating a combination with all listed models, I want to filter the models based on vehicle build. The best thing would be that it's only possible to select a model after the vehicle build is selected, but another option would be to only create the possible vehicle build and model combinations. Kind regards, Berend
  3. Hello, I have a web shop that is dedicated to motorcycle parts. There is a possibility that these parts are compatible with more than one model. Let's take a brake lever as our example. The product ID in this instance starts with LBS and is followed by a series of two numbers. Each product ID is compatible with multiple motorcycles. The customer can choose between the different product ID's with on the same webpage with a drop down menu. The product description states which product ID is compatible with what types of motorcycles, which makes it more difficult for customers to choose the right product. Does anyone know of a good solution? Kind regards, Berend
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