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Everything posted by jax-p

  1. Hello, I can't find a way how to disable upload feature in contact form in Presta 1.7 (in 1.6 OK) and I don't want to edit it in source files. There is nothing like that in Contact setup. Tyvm for help!
  2. Just downloaded Prestashop 1.6 and copied order_conf_product_list.tpl and order_conf_product_list.txt to the mails folder of my 1.7 Presta. It works now! Tyvm.
  3. Yea found this guide for 1.6 too but there are not these files in my 1.7 (not even in any language). I could try to add them, but I don't have these files anywhere.
  4. Hi, after order I (as a customer) recieve email with overall summary. But there are no products listed in the email. There is just final price and the place for the products is empty. I've tried this in all languages and it's still same. I did not edit emails. Tyvm for help.
  5. SOLVED PrestaShop just created new folder on Themes, with the exactly same name of folder with my theme, but with the first capital letter - So I tried to move my theme to the folder with first capital letter - and it works! Weird thing is that it is working on localhost with small letter and the default theme from PS is named with the small letter too.
  6. Hello, I've just deployed my site for the first time. 1) I've changed config (parameters.php) so it can connect my new database (OK) 2) I've changed record in "ps_shop_url" in database with these values: e) domain "localhost" => "my.web.domain.cz" (it's example) f) domain_ssl => "my.web.domain.cz" (just same url, but I dont have https setupyet) g) physical_uri "/prestashop/ => I left this blank, because my web is located in root 3) Deleted .htaccess 4) Cleared cache Now, my admin panel works fine but front-end just throw errors [PrestaShopException] No template found for errors/404 If I change "physical_uri" on "/" it says (just maybe because of wrong path) Unable to load template file 'catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl' in
  7. I was not sure about the licence. So I can use it (edit, share etc.) without any restrictions, limitations and with no need to list or link the author?
  8. Hello, am I allowed to edit the original template of Prestashop (in source codes) or I have to create whole new template? Ty
  9. Hello, is there a clear way, how to disable dropdowns in main menu (if I don't want to edit core source codes)? Tyvm
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