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Everything posted by dobesv

  1. I figured out the issue I was having. One of my database tables was using MyISAM and the other was using InnoDB. When I change my tables to InnoDB the issues is fixed. How this came to pass is a total mystery to me. I use softaculous or scriptaculous or whatever to install it, maybe their installer is messed up.
  2. I only have one payment method so I want it to be enabled by default on the checkout page. Currently the user has to pick "pay by credit card" which is a waste of their time since they have no other option. Any idea how this can be done?
  3. What is the solution for this? I'm having the same problem - I only have one payment method and I want it to be selected automatically.
  4. In my case I tried to add a translation manually: SQL query: INSERT INTO ps23_translation( `id_lang` , `key` , `translation` , `domain` , `theme` ) VALUES ( 1, 'Order with an obligation to pay', 'Submit Order', 'ShopThemeCheckout', 'altrezo' ) ; MySQL said: #1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`northwe3_pres559`.`ps23_translation`, CONSTRAINT `FK_F874C02DBA299860` FOREIGN KEY (`id_lang`) REFERENCES `ps23_lang` (`id_lang`)) I wonder if this is the error prestashop is having. It's a weird error because the target row DOES exist in ps23_lang. Completely stumped by this one.
  5. Did any of you figure this out? I'm having the same problem.
  6. I'm running, and when I go to edit my email subject lines, the changes don't apply. I make the change, it says the change applied successfully, but when I go back to that section the old subject line is still there, and if I send a test email the old subject line is used. Has anyone noticed this problem before? I have turned off all the caches and it still didn't fix it.
  7. In 1.7 go to International > Locations > (Each Country), and disable "Display tax label" at the bottom.
  8. I can't say whether the filesystem or MySQL would be faster, partly it depends on your hosting. However, in theory since MySQL itself will be writing to the disk, you have to imagine that the filesystem would be faster by default. Caching to MySQL might have benefits if you have little disk space, don't want to give php write permissions to the filesystem as a security measure, or have a very slow disk for some reason. The caching option at the bottom of the page where you can choose Memcached is a bit different, it's not just template caching but also database object caching. So far in my experience if I turn that on I get some weird behavior where changes I make in the back office seem to be ignored. I would keep that off for now.
  9. I have been having similar problems when using Memcached caching, although it's not consistent. Some things can be changed and some can't. It's very confusing. I want my shop to run fast, but if my backend changes are inconsistently applied it makes a lot of work and confusion for me. Did you ever find a way around this?
  10. In 1.7 you go to International > Locations > Some Country > "Display tax label" > Turn Off
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