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Amin Vatandoust

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  1. @MerseyRay So the update worked fine without any errors? (I thinks that's the importnat part.) About the style, I hve no clue. maybe if you copy the admin/themes folder from that balck & white ps, you might get it working on your upgraded site, but I'm not sure if it's the best way to do it. you may find the reason if you search for it. about the debug, no idea what's the first part. But I had the bottom notice (ps_files_cleanup_dir) before and I fixed it by changing the session.save_path to /tmp in the php.ini file. It's probably better to start a new topic for the first error.
  2. If I'm not wrong, there are 2 different versions of PrestaShop. One that is called "Edition Basic" and you can download it from prestashop.com/versions and one that you can download from GitHub The autoupgrade module downloads the GitHub version and I think that's why your BO looks different. If you install the 8.1.1 version from GitHub, It'll look like your current upgraded shop. If you want the Edition Basic version, you should probably use the Local directory/archive for the channel mode and upload that file. ----------- Download and install the "ps_mbo" module from this page: https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_mbo/releases/tag/v4.5.1 ----------- Why would you want to switch back to classic after the upgrade? 😃 make sure the productcomment module is the last version (and there is no upgrade for it) and try to enable it yourself. If you turn on the debug mode, you may see what's the error while enabling or checking the logs. ----------- Enable debug mode so we can see the details of the error. If you couldn't figure it out, post a screenshot of it.
  3. The main part of this solution is to select the Classic as the active theme before upgrading.
  4. Hi @MerseyRay, It's problaly not realted to that module. I just had this problem and fixed it like this: Restore backup to Go to "Design > Theme & Logo" and select the Classic as the active theme. Clear the "var/cache" folder (remove the dev & prod folders). Disable the "Switch to the default theme" option in the 1-Click Upgrade module. Update it again. Make sure the "Switch to the default theme" is disabled before you click the upgrade button. sometimes it goes back to enable by itself.
  5. exactly. That's why I wonder if I could pass those parameters with the order-edit links too. Is there a problem with my code or the module which can be fixed with the new version of the mini-module?
  6. yeah I know, the only reason I mentioned the incognito is that you said "I tested it and it works ok". that's because of a cookie that was already created. if that cookie reaches the Max-Age, and you use the edit-order direct link, It will ask for a username and password. To understand this better, It doesn't ask me to log in when I'm in incognito mode and go to "Catalog > Prestools Suite". (It never asks for a username and password when I open the script this way). But if I close the incognito and reopen it, and then log in to BO and that order link, It will ask me to log in.
  7. It's probably because of a cookie that was created when you logged in from "Catalog > Prestools Suite" before. If you check it in incognito mode (I tested on Chrome) and log in to your BO, Then go to the order page and click that "/order-edit.php?id_order=12345" link that you added, you might see the problem.
  8. Hi @musicmaster. I've installed the module and configured it with the username and password of the settings1 file. It works fine when I enter the script from the "Catalog > Prestools Suite". It doesn't ask for a username and password here. (which is ok, and not my problem.) The problem is that I added a button to the AdminOrders page that has a link like this: {href="mysite.com/adminfolder/prestoolsdir/order-edit.php?id_order=12345"} for each order, the id_order will be different so I can edit that order directly. The problem is that with this URL, it asks for the username and password, although I'm logged in to my Prestashop admin and the presstools module is installed and configured. Is there some sort of cookie that stores the username and password? Is there a way to edit the script/module/cookie so I don't need to enter a password every time I want to edit an order with a direct link when I'm looged in to my prestashop bo?
  9. Each cms page has its class. For example, if you want to add a background color to a cms page, you can use something like this: .cms-id-2 #wrapper {background: #e4eef1;} you can find the id in the "body" tag or the URL of that page. It may be different on other themes. The above code is for classic. If you are still unable to change it, share your website link.
  10. Hi I am using PrestaShop and Panda 1.4.5 (sunnytoo.com) with LiteSpeed v1.4.0 plugin. I’ve read this article: https://www.sunnytoo.com/78072/prestashop-litespeed-transformer-theme-panda-theme that is mentioned that I need to add cart and login modules to the customization tab. My problem is what should I fill the form with. I’ve checked two images in the following topic, but they are for PrestaShop 1.7: https://www.sunnytoo.com/forums/topic/customizing-prestashop-v1-7-for-use-with-lscache-litespeed#post-84473 and besides that, there is no screenshot for the User info block module. So can you please let me know what should I fill these forms with, in PS 1.6? I've started this topic in sunnytoo as well, I just want to know if anyone have some idea here too.
  11. Hi. Try this url: search?tag=TagName and change the TagName to your tag. so it will be something like site.com/search?tag=TagName
  12. Hi Dziugas, welcome to PrestaShop You've installed the PrestaShop on a sub directory (folder) called "prestashop" so If you want to have your shop on your main domain, you have to install it on public_html
  13. Welcome to PrestaShop BackOffice > Catalog > Products (where you added the products) and you'll find a pencil icon at the end of that product row. click it and you are good to go.
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