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  1. I have to do this also to my store with only one CMS page, and this was the solution for me. In prestashop 1.6 modify the file CmsController.php just above this line: parent::initContent(); I add this code if (!$this->context->customer->isLogged() && $this->cms->id == 6) { Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=authentication'); } the first line is a conditional to check if the customer is not logged and if the page CMS is they required is the one I need to protect for only customer registered in my case is the page 6. in cas the conditions is true, will be redirected to the login page. Comparing with the code made more above for other was not working because is missing the double "&&" and the "$this->cms->" and also the open and close { } for the if conditional, with this everything is working fine.
  2. Hello I have a quick question and I need to know if some one else have o notice this problem. When I upload photos the the website the color on them are changed, this is general happens with some picture not all the photos. but the color change is a lot. This new photos are taken in house with our own camera, they are take in a RAW file and later fix on Photoshop and saved in JPG format with the resolution maximum 3,000 piexels on the wide side with 72ppp and RGB color, We ready try to upload in different resolutions and formats as TIFF or PNG, TIFF is not allowed for prestashop but PNG it is, but also is not working.
  3. Hello I'm trying to adapt the tag "In stock", "Out of Stock" from a list product page to the single product page. I know prestashop ready have to show in single product page the out of stock items, but if I don't want to show the stock is no show the Label "In Stock" same as the list product page, only the items is out of stock show when they are out of stock, but I want to all products available show "IN Stock" label. I attach some screen to show what I trying to do.
  4. Hello I need a little help with a problem I have with the carrier options on the cart when the size is getting the limit. Well the firs problem is when in the cart I have 2 o more items that need a different Carrier for the restriction in set to choose the expensive one for all ones, the system generate 2 invoices o more depends on the items requested. How I can fix this and get a single freight charge for all the items choosing the most expensive. The second issue is a little be more complex because I need to use the Size limit for the carrier options and no the weight, this means when the FedEx need package send with them in regular basic shipping the get a limit Size and this size is a calculation about the W x D x H and the called "GIRTH" this calculation I ready made for all my items out from Prestashop and in Prestashop I include this field to be restricted and is working on almost 90% of the situations except on the Combinations. Sample: If i have a item with multiple combinations and the combination be over the GIRTH limit I can sen by FedEx and I need to send by Freight, well the case that combination impact is not working for the limit on the carrier as is working with the weight, the limit is on with single items but no with a combinations items impact on GIRTH, I will show you some image to look it at the problem.
  5. Hola a todos! necesito un poco de su ayuda para poder terminar de resolver este pequeño problema que tengo con mi tienda. Resulta que en los envios de mis productos (son muebles) los envios por las paqueterias tienes ciertas restricciones para esos envios y despues de sobre pasar ciertos limites tanto en tamaño y/o peso ya no se puede enviar por dicha paqueteria y tengo que hacer el envio por compañias de fletes. Para lo del peso de los productos no tengo problemas pero para los tamaños si, por que los limites no estan marcados en lo largo, ancho o profundo del paquete si no en algo que ellos llaman, "GIRTH" esto es un calculo relacionado con esas tres medidas (Largo, Ancho y Profundo) y este numero es un numero entero cerrado y si sobre pasa el limite que tienen de 160 GIRTH ya no se puede enviar por paqueteria regular y requiere ser enviado por flete. Para resolver este problema tuve que agregar ese campo tanto a los productos como a las restricciones de los envios dentro de prestashop, ya esta funcionando todas las bases de datos funcionan bien y tambien sus restricicones hasta cierto punto, por que si los productos son uno solo a la hora de la compra no hay problemas pero si son varios los productos que se tienen poner en el carrito de compra hay problemas para eso. Voy a explicar los dos problemas de la forma mas simple. El primero es que si dos productos requieren diferentes envios en lugar de condensarlos con el envio mas caro me los manda por separado con dos ordenes distintas. El segundo es el que mas complejo y esta en base a la restriccion que puse dle GRITH, si un producto tienen variables y en las variables cambia el tamaño (por ejemplo las camas) el GIRTH se puede enviar por paqueteria no hay problema, pero si el GIRTH es mayor al limite no respeta que se haga el envio para dicho envio y creo que no calcula bien el GIRTH a la hora de las restricciones y me sigue dando el envio mas economico en donde perderia dinero de calcularse de esa forma. voy a poner una capturas de pantalla para ver si asi se entiende mejor.
  6. I had this same problem I change the width to my page from a fix to 75%, but thanks to Vekia I can solved, the solution he said is not working but help me to understand how to fix it and I will give you if any one else have the same problem. In the file global.js find this: "function blockHover(status) { var screenLg = $('body').find('.container').width() == 1170;" In my case the lane 183, and just need to change the operator "==" to ">=" and in this way any page wider than 1170 will hide the Button of product grid view and show with the hover mouse.
  7. Hello I need to make some CMS page private for only Logged customers, I found this: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/335647-how-to-make-a-cms-page-only-for-logged-in-customers/ And I modify my CMSController.PHP and is working, but this is for ALL the CMS page, and I need ONLY for 1 page, is any another way to do? or I can make two kind of CMS pages, some private and other ones public? Thanks!
  8. Hello! everyone. I have a question about the paypal modules, the case is I ready install the free module and I can't make this works property, I have several errors, and I ready check many solutions but non ones works for me and I read many people take the option to change the free module to paid module, and that works for them. Well my problems the first is with a PayPal Express Checkout and the Tax Items, this options is works fine when I click on the PayPal button is send me to the PayPal page to make the payment and give me the total amount correct, but when I have any single Item that includes a Tax % I got error code: 10426 "Item Total is Invalid". Also this options is only allow payments with some one ready have a PayPal account. (the tax Items is only with California Billing Address, and the only country allow to buy or register is USA.) The second error is with PayPal Standard, with this one all ways I get error "Thinks appear don't working at the moment, please try again later." and in this case is not matter if the items include Tax or not. Always is the same error and this is for a whole week trying everything and I'm ready frustrated. This is the option I need to be working, I want to collect the payment direct with PayPal without the customer need to get and a PayPal account just with their Credit/Debit Card. The other problem is when I have activated PayPal Express Checkout and Standard Is 2 different buttons to pay with PayPal, but don't said anything witch one is what. The account in PayPal is a Business account and I ready registered and be approved as premium account the one is a $30 monthly fee plus the Regular fee on payments, this is a USA account and the module is also the PayPal USA/Canada. - My website I got the SSL certification for business. - I ready try to delete the module and get the most new version, I updated the Prestashop to the most new and the PayPal module to 1.3.9. - I try to modify the module for incompatibility with the total format PayPal allow only 2 digits on the cents and the Prestashop use 4 Digits, and still not working. Do you think I have to hire a programmer to fix the problem or get and other Paid Module works with PayPal or Contact PayPal to resolved this with them or get and other payment options some think like Square. I upload some screen shoot to you see the error I'm talking about. And the link to my website feel free to go and test the options. https://allinonefurn.com/
  9. Just I have the same problem, this message I get when I keep activated "PayPal Payments Standard", but if i use Paypal Checkout is working but send me to my customers they must to have a paypal account to continue the payment. I just activate the business account Pro on paypal the one they charge you $30 extra monthly fee is takes up to 48 hrs to be activated If i see some news about this I let you know. But I have and other problem with paypal payments and I don't know if you get this problem also, when I sell any item with tax I get an error, but if don't have tax is OK, any guess why this happens only with tax?
  10. Sorry I forgot that, yes I'm using Prestashop 1.6 and I think I will keep this version until the 1.7 is enough strong, because my main addons is not working on 1.7 But Thanks for the links I think I have to check with calm and see if is viable to change what I'm looking for.
  11. Hello I have a question! I think before some body asked but in that is not exactly what I'm looking for. I have a store ready in prestashop, but I would like to change the default theme but not the all page just to the HOME, I would like to my template change to the HOME in prestashop and the rest keep as is it. I show you what is my current HOME template and my Prestashop Store. This one is my current Template. http://bestqualityfurn.com/ And my prestashop store is this one. https://catalog.bestqualityfurn.com/ What I whant to do is in my own template add a few thinks is in the Prestashop HOME page, the top menu, the sections (New Items, Coming Soon, Best Selling, etc) the cart module and the search module, is the only thinks I need to do, but I ready looking for here and other forums and in google but I can found any tutorial for do it, just the prestashop original guide but is not exactly what i have to do or what is the files I have to change.
  12. @NemoPS I ready fix it, I have to made some modifications to the files. The BlockTopMenu.tpl in the line 5 have this: <ul class="sf-menu clearfix menu-content container"> and I Change for this <ul class="sf-menu clearfix menu-content containermenu"> And in the Globla.CSS I added .containermenu {max-width: 100%; } Just after where the .container {max-width} was. in total is a 3 place where I have to add. Thanks for you help, after you ask to me what I change I see if I made this change is fix the error, I'm not sure if was the correct way but for me is works.
  13. Hello I have a little complicated question, the case is I try to add a new field I need for the products and with this field I try to make some restrictions for the carrier shipping options. Prestashop for shipping information have multiple options like (Width, Height, Depth, Weight, additional cost), and in the carrier I have the option to make some restrictions with this options as, different Weight different shipping price. or Make some carrier working with a "maximum (Width, Height or Depth), until here is not problem. Now in the product options more specific on combinations I have the options to change the impact on Weight and this impact is working with the restrictions on the Carrier, sample: I have 2 Carriers (FedEx & Freight) the firs one the maximum shipping weight is 150 lb and I make on the restrictions; now in the product combinations I have one product with 3 combinations the smaller weight is 100 lb on the first to combinations because is change in color only, but the third combinations is a change of the size and that have a impact on the weight and the new weight is 150 lb, all this is ready on prestashop and everything is working perfectly. The case is I need a complete new restriction and information called "GRITH" this new informations I need restriction similar to the weight if is more than 160 on GIRTH must to use different carrier same as the weight, I ready add this field to the correspond tables, for the shipping, and product, combinations etc. I modify several files TLP, CSS, JS and everything is looks working OK except for one little thing the restrictions over 160 on girth is working, but with the combinations if I make a impact on GIRTH changing and saved the information on the correspond table, but is not reflected on the carrier options. I use the same tow carriers as before, I have the restrictions if the Product is over 160 on GIRTH don't use FedEx, and if is single item is working, but if is a combinations is not, same as before I have one product with 150 on GIRTH and the combinations is impact and the new GIRTH is 170, still showing the carrier restriction, if I make on reverse make a high GIRTH as principal 170, and the impact is on negative and the new GIRTH is 150 is not showing the FedEx option as carrier. Some one know if is any other file to change for all this restrictions? I make a list with all the files I have to modify to this is working, and some screenshots. - AdminCarrierWizardController.php -AdminProductsController.php -Carrier.php -Combination.php -combinations.tpl -Product.php -Product.js -attributes.js on the database I added the field on this tables: -_product -_product_attribute -_product_attribute_shop -_carrier -_attribute_impact
  14. Hello NemoPS, sorry for don't answare before but I was in vacations, well I modify the file Global.CSS changing "Container{ max-width: XXXpx" to "max-width: 85%". I remember was 5 part has the same width on pixels and I changed to 85% to auto adjust to the screen, I ready try the margin on the top menu but is nothing the to change, and in the Global.CSS i'm not sure what is the part of adjust the top menu. if I change the size from the 85% to 100% the menu is still making the same auto margin and not adjust to the full width. One more question: what is that you said I have to disable the "CCC" i don't know what your talking about.
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