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    Sydney, Australia
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  1. I there someone out there that can assist me, I'm having problems logging into the backend of my website. After i put in my email and password, it take a very long time to do anything, after some time it ends up on my webpage and show that there is two errors, PLEASE HELP, I can not get into my site, and its a very big problem. please contact me if you are willing to assist, and we can chat. riaan@signs1.co.za
  2. Everytime i try to log into my back office it takes a long time and then it just shows the front of my website with two errors, is there anyone that can assist me to resolve this problem? I have cleared the cache and i have also cleared the browser, so that is not the issue, Please see attached photo error 1 is when signing in, and photo error 2 is where it ends up after about 3 minutes,
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