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  1. How can i group the product listing by the manufacturer on the 'prices-drop' page?
  2. Where do I add this code and would it work with PS 1.7?
  3. Can you explain in which files and line code you added this?
  4. I managed to add the country field through smarty Make sure to change in the AuthController.php to $address->id_country = Tools::getValue('id_country'); {if $field.name == 'id_country'} {$field.type = 'countrySelect'} {assign var='countries' value=Country::getCountries((int)$language.id, true)} {foreach from=$countries key=k item=v} {$field.availableValues.$k = $v.name} {/foreach} {/if}
  5. hopefully with prestashop 1.7.5 we would have a real solution @PrestaPros Is it too complicated to add the country field?
  6. I managed to find a solution by following your instruction but only changing the required to false in case the user wants to edit their personal information. then in the customer-form.tpl file inside the foreach I added this code {$address_fields = ['phone','address1','postcode','city']} {if $customer.is_logged OR $page.page_name == 'checkout'} {if in_array($field.name, $address_fields)} {continue} {/if} {else} {if in_array($field.name, $address_fields)} {$field.required = true} {/if} {/if}
  7. @PrestaPros Thanks for this tutorial the only problem with it is how to disable these fields when the user is registering on the checkout page or when editing the identity Meaning these fields should be only displayed when the user is registering for the first time only!
  8. When I try to change/Update or add new Unit Price to existing products through CSV product import it won't update or change at all! I really need this is there any way to make it work until the bug is fixed?
  9. same issue here anyone managed to work this out? Im using PS
  10. The issue is when I import the product from CSV file then even after indexing the search it would still not work until I go to the product and save each one of them manually from the product page
  11. I'm also having trouble with the search for products name in case the title contains any special characters like Swedish ÄÅÖ then the search wont work at all!
  12. Could anybody advice how I can redirect to add address page after registration if the registration is not done through checkout page?
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